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Just saying HELLO

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Hi ladies,

Hope this finds you all doing well. I've been trying to keep up and many of you are doing some wonderful quilts.

I woke up this morning in our 5th wheel and was going to begin digitizing and noticed I had internet. Must be a wi fi near by. Couldn't get on all week. Just taking the moment to say hello. Having an internet connection this morning is just luck I'm sure.

Going back to Texas on Saturday. My home is ok. I have a mess to clean but who's complaining. Large tree fell next to my studio which is MOSTLY windows but didn't hurt the house much. All around me there is just so much loss. I must admit Texans handle things differently. They just get out and help each other and its amazing what has already gotten accomplished in a week.

It wonderful to see everyone helping each other.

I'll be loading up for Colorado and my husband will get me moved. I may have to rough it for a few weeks to get the house and yard cleaned up. I've had to live on Generator many times so it's no big deal. Mine will run a window unit so I can keep cool at least where I sleep. They are saying up to 3 weeks before I get power. Not at top of list as I live out of town, (Thank goodness). My sister and MOM both lost everything and many many friends including my quilt shop friends who all lived in the town of Bridge City which was just about entirely under water. There are a few areas that did not flood but not many in that town. Orange Texas was hit hard as well where my Mom lived. Thanks for your prayers. God is truely Good and much is being accomplished despite the loss.

Have a great week. Hopefull I'll have my internet in Colorado set up by end of next week or so.

Hugs and love Grammie Tammie

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Glad to hear you and your family members are alright. Material goods can be replaced to a point (not the ones that hold memories), but family members can't. Hope you get power back before 3 weeks rolls around. I know what it is like out in the countryside without power (I don't have a generator, which means no water too).

Take care,


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It sounds like you have a long road ahead of you - but it is good that you and your family are safe. Your quilting friends are all here praying for you and all the others that have suffered so much at the hands of mother nature. I, as others, will keep good thoughts and prayers for all of you...............

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I've been thinking about you Tammie. Sure glad to hear your okay and your family too. Sorry they lost so much, is there anything I can do?? Just call me or email me and let me know, I will do what I can. Please don't hesitate, okay?

Sure happy to hear from you again and it sounds like you have some help with the clean up and moving, but I can't wait to see you again. You take care of yourself and call me okay? or email me.


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