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Melbourne Bushfires - Where are you Satu?

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Satu, I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. I am also so sorry for the loss of the bush lands that made up a lot of AU. The loss of human and animal life is almost impossible to wrap my mind around. Add to that the loss of homes, towns, and the things we pass down to our children; it is almost to much to consider. All of AU and its people are in my heart and in my prayers. Please stay safe (All of you).

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Big ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))) and prayers for all of you. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. You are such a loving person to now share this with somebody else who needs a big blankie of love! I pray the fires die down soon and that all those affected by this tragedy can move on with rebuilding! Sad that somebody would start this deliberately!

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Satu, my sympathy for the loss of your brother. My younger died in 2004 at 48yo from cancer. It's so very hard to loose a sibling. What a loving gesture to pass his quilt along to someone in need. As someone else said, it's full of love.

To all those in AU, prayers and hugs. I have a pen pal whom I actually met while I was in AU in 2000. She lives in New Lambton Gardens, NSW. I think Darlene said all's OK there. Her name is Nell Atkinson. If anyone knows anything about that area please let me know. Thanks.

We just heard on the news that the evacuation procedures are being reevaluated in AU. It seems people have been allowed to make their own chaoce as to when to leave their homes. People don't realize how fast things move ina fire!!

We've been in Montana with my sister during fire season. Two years ago there were five major burns going on around us within 3 miles! The smoke was awful and roads were closed in many places.

I pray for you all.

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Oh gosh, Thanks for all your kind words. My big bro died early last year. Miss him lots. I've had his unfinished quilt there all this time, not knowing really what to do with it. I think he would aprove if I passed it on to someone who could really use it. It now has purpose so I will finish it once I get a chance to reload it on Matilda.

There is an eerie gloom everywhere you go here. The air is heavy with grief. The media won't rest up on reporting, some going into overdrive, asking poor people who have lost everything "How do you feel about that"? What a stupid question.

It makes me so angry I'd love to slap them.

On the other hand the people of Australia have once again proved to be most generous, opening up their purses and/or donating goods and services to the fire survivors. It's awsome.

Thanks for your hugs,

You can never have too many of those!

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My husband and I truly have always loved Australia - I do believe it is my DH's favorite country when traveling around the world for business. He has many friends there. So far none of his friends have been in any danger. We both pray for all of you - flood victims as well as fire victims. Such devastation and still am so shocked to hear about the possibility of arson. Mother Nature can be cruel, but it is beyond cruel when mankind is involved. Please take care of yourselves.... I hope things improve soon......... Hugs to all!!!

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My deepest sympathy to you Satu on the loss of your big brother. There really are no words to convey the sad loss all Australians are feeling at present.

There seems to be a sadness that has descended upon us like a fog but we will come out of it and rebuild

Our water and mud is just such a small problem compared to the bushfires in Victoria.


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