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Bushfires - Robyn is safe

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Just to let you all know that Robyn escaped the fires that destroyed her whole town. she is safe but we think her home has gone.

Meanwhile fires are still burning and another fire began in Ivanhoe, not THAT far from the city started today.

On the upside people are giving their time and money generously to help to affected people.

This makes us all so grateful for our families and friends.

Sue in Australia

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Hi Bonnie

The people of Kinglake were able to go back yesterday. It was all very organised with the police providing passes to go through the roadblocks into the area so that only the people who have a genuine need to be there are allowed in.

Hi Rita,

I believe Robyn is the only longarmer to have suffered although others were evacuated from their towns for a few hours just in case.

The fires are still burning and are threatening a beautiful tourist town called Healesville where there is a large native animal sanctuary.

We are expecting more hot weather next week and the firefighters continue to work all hours to contain the fires. They are amazing people. We have volunteer firefighters working on the fires after their "day" jobs and some employers allowing them paid time off work to fight the fires (Jenny's lovely husband is one of those brave men). The army have been called in and Army Reservists are expected to help out too clearing up the debris and restoring services and buildings.

Help is coming from everywhere - even the big tough wharfies from South Australia have provided 17 semi-trailers of hay to feed the affected horses.

Today at our school we are having a fund raiser. The children are all going to wear free dress for a gold coin donation. They are going to place their coins in the shape of a big heart - hopefully we will have 800 plus hearts.

Two of our batting manufacturers (Matildas's Own and Nu-wool) have been very generous in offering free batting to anyone making quilts for the affected families so piecers are getting busy piecing and longarmers are getting ready to quilt those quilts.

I've just heard on the news too that Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have donated 1/2 million dollars.

Thats all for now,

Sue in Australia

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