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Quilting an I Spy - need ideas!

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I've done several of these for the same customers--always some kind of meander--plain meander, or loop to loop. I'd like to do something different--but cheap--any ideas?? I've attached a pic of one I completed earlier--the two I have now have about 4" borders (usually they don't. They are small, about 38 x 48. Appreciate any suggestions! Jane

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For the least expensive quilting--in the meander family--I do the same as you do--loops or puzzle meander. I also offer big spiral/swirls.

Here is a cute alternative to a plain meander--as you are doing your (very pretty and even-looking:)) puzzle meander, throw in an oval with a small circle at the base and right next to it, another. These look like eyeballs if you do them right!! I Spy quilt with eyeballs on it!! I can't take credit--I think I picked it up from a Dawn Cavanaugh class years ago. Quilt these where they will show and the kids have fun finding them!

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I just brought an old post to the top called "one more that I forgot to post" which shows a great technique of wonky feathers. It's from the pajama quilter reloaded dvd. After seeing that post, I tried the feathers on a small Christmas quilt and it turned out great. It was fun to do and soooo easy and quick!!! (BTW...to me, easy and quick = good money maker!) I'm so glad I did up a sample of this technique because when people see it they want it. Finished one this week and am starting another today for another customer! What's cool is when you find something easy and quick but at the same time is so attractive! I think it would look great on your I Spy quilt.

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{I just brought an old post to the top called "one more that I forgot to post" which shows a great technique of wonky feathers.}

I don't have that DVD--and I couldn't get anything to come up with that post in the search--any hints on how to look at the wonky feathers?

I have two of these to do--I thought I'd try the eye balls in the meander on one--and the wonky feathers on the other! They both sound like a welcome change--and a little bit more of a challenge--and still quick! Thanks Thanks!

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Thanks! I just ordered the DVD/Book -- looks like it would be very helpful! I just did a 2" sashing using a similar design--to the wonky feathers--in a straight line--turned out nicely--a little more "dicey" to do it all over...will need to ppp!! Thanks again, Jane

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