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cut backing too short!!!

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Hi! I just had to vent!! I am kicking myself like crazy!! I just cut a backing too short! I was trimming it down a little cause it was too big to begin with (not any more:o) well, I didn't take into consideration that it was folded over and I cut 22'' instead of 11''! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! Luckily the lady I am doing this for has a little shop, so she has more material . Needless to say, I am buying the material I cut wrong and I have to go over and get another piece in the morning. I wanted to get at least the back on the frame tonight, but I guess that's what I get when trying to do math stuff when I'm tired! I'm not good at it when I'm rarin' to go!! OK! thanks for letting me vent!:) linda

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Oh Linda! I think lots of us feel your pain--and it doesn't matter whether I'm tired or not--the math is hard for me! When I'm working on something for someone else the stress just kills me! I actually make a drawing of a piece of fabric--and the cuts....and am still perfectly capable of cutting it wrong. You are fortunate to be able to go get another piece of the fabric! The quilt will be fabulous! and--as Kay said--you have more fabric for yourself! and...we all know that's not the worst thing we can do--not by a long shot! Have fun quilting--tomorrow!! Jane

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I have actually managed to do this two times in one week. I have also turned a quilt backing wrong on loading so it would have been fine but then I ran out with plenty on the sides. Now I label the pieces top of backing or whatever it is. I hand pieced the extra piece on because I didn't want to unload the quilt. It looked fine.

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Linda I did that too but didn't notice it until I was at the bottom of the quilt and had no backing left. Had to call the customer to ask if she had more fabric or where she got it so I could go purchase some. She wadded through 2 feet of snow to bring me an extra piece and was so understanding. but boy did it cause some new grey hairs on my head. Don't be hard on yourself for being human

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I, like others, have done this and wanted to smack myself "upside-down the other":mad: Luckily I had enough extra fabric to match the major print on the backing - whew!! I now double and triple check knowing that I could do this again!! and probably will at some point - knowing me.........LOL at myself!

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