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Look what I bought at from a tweed weaver!

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Yesterday I went to a tweed mill where they were selling out of commission pure Scottish wool tweeds for £5 per metre. Since I have a yurt ceiling to make from tartans and who knows how many cushions I just bought about 60 metres!! I didn't actually need that much but it might come in handy...:P



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I see this and I want to run my hands over the softness of it and curl up in it. I must be related to my cat! Beautiful, soft inviting. And that Yurt is so welcoming and wonderful. An adult tree house feeling. Privacy, time to dream.

Great find, congrats. I know you'll find a use for it. I always say I'm buying on speculation. I know that I speculate that I'll use it. If that doesn't work.. I know that I'm contributing to the energy efficiency of my house. I'm insulating closets, under beds......

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Wow! If I calculate that correctly, 60 metres is 164.04 feet and about 50 yards. Our bolts usually only have 8 yards of fabric--some of the wholesale have 25 (rarely).

.6 x 5 = 3.00 per yard

WOW!! Fantastic find. I would say wool here would be about $12 to $20 per yard.

I cannot wait to see the picture of your Yurt. It should be in our quilting magazines in the future!!

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Er, yes - I may have a little spare and they let us do our own measuring too as they wanted rid of it so some of the metres might be a tiny bit generous. I might even have enough for new curtains in the real house.

Now I just need to find a supplier of polystyrene cubes to make into seats! Such a pity I can't seem to make clothes. The shop had duffle coats too but they were more expensive. Funny how some people spend money on clothes and some buy fabric - my jeans are worn right through but do you think I'll waste money on a new pair? Nah, I'll just patch them!


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I agree Linzi about buying clothes. I don't have a huge wardrobe because I wear the same thing most of the time. When I'm home, I relax in corduroy slacks and a long sleeve t-shirt. If I don't go out, I wear them for three days before changing! A person doesn't need a lot of clothes------just wash and wear the same outfit until it wears out. It leaves much more room in the closet for fabric stashes and yardage!:P

By the way. the woolens are beautiful. My husband loves wool shirts and the ones I have made him in the past are his favorites. Wish I could take advantage of your sale.

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The plan is to get a retreat going here at some point. Still awaiting a building warrant and it's all due to not being on mains sewage so will need an enormous septic tank as the old farm one will not pass muster. I'm in Aberdeenshire which is in the north east about 2+hours up from Edinburgh so I'll look out for Sandra Darlington and wave - she is bound to visit some of our castles on her tour.

My hair is now quite lopsided so needs a sort out - perhaps I'll get both sides to match!

My jeans are officially worn out today and I might even have to get a new pair this time BUT I did buy some "bibs" for a laugh in Kentucky so I could wear those (although it's a bit of a hassle going to the loo with dungarees on!)

Right - I think I'll go and start another discussion...perhaps pigs!


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