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Dear All,

I'm sorry to bother you but I just put in a new circuit board bacause the machine didn't react at the buttons, after just two days of practicing on my brand new millie. And guess: the problem is not fixed. After the third try, the stitch regulater fell out, I was not able to adjust the stitchlength or speed. I couldn't sew in manual. After putting the machine out, it ran again but within a row of stitching the stitchlength turnes automaticly to large or in manual it just stops. :mad:

I've had it! I have my machine for a week and I have only had a fight. This is no longer any fun! grrrrr.

Thanks for listening, I had to write it of. I will contact APQS and or Clauia Pheil next monday.

Have a nice weekend,


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Wendy - I feel your pain. Within the first two weeks of having my Millie the timing went out 3 times and each time just before I finished a quilt that was on the frame. Now that everything has been tightened up, she is purring like a kitten. (Of course, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it won't happen again.) These are just machines and things can go wrong, but APQS will make it right.

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Oh... so sorry for your problems, but Wendy I know it will bee fixed soon and you can quilt with so much fun. My Milli has crossed the pond too and runs without any problems since over one year...love it :)

don´t worry anything will going allright!

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Dear Wendy! I know you waited a loooong time to get your machine, and now that you have it all you want to do is quilt. Instead you are having problems. Something is just not right, these machines are not that fragile so maybe it was handled extremely roughly in shipping. What ever is wrong I know that APQS will make it right so please don't be afraid that you will not get the help that you need! 'M positive that Claudia or someone will pop in with help for you soon. As we say in Texas, "Hold your horses! The cavelry is coming!". And may you have many happy quilty years with your new baby!

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