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NQR - Marine Hero

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I hope this offends nobody but it touched my heart and I thought I would post. This is a story of a Marine Corporal, probably less than 25 years old that earned a Silver Star, one of the highest personal award you can get. We don't hear these stories on the news and it is one worth sharing! It really made me thankful for our freedom and the sacrifices our military members make for us! Tissue warning - at least for me it was!


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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

"..... I wouldn't call myself a hero. The real heroes are the ones that gave their (lives) - and I'm wearing this medal for them."

That last sentence in that story says it all.

Quite am impressive thing to say coming from a 24 year old man. He is awesome.

Shana I was doing good until I read that line! He is a remarkable young man!

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Wow! That is an incredible story... I'm so awed by the sacrifices our "boys" make everyday, just so we can go about our lives. I can't even begin to imagine the horror they see....

(My son Brian is a Marine - I say is, because once a Marine, always a Marine.... He now serves the City of Los Angeles as a Detective... OOOOOORRRRAAAAHHHH!)

I am hoping our government will now take proper care of our wounded defenders when they come home.... They all make us soooo proud!

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Your son trained you right, Once a Marine always a Marine is correct. Hubby is a retired Marine after serving 22 years. He is the one that found the story and came to me with tears in his eyes. Yup Marines are Marshmallows too I don't care how tough people say they are! Hubby scans all of these things and is so proud of these young service members.

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My son was such a "mama's" boy - he joined right out of HS. OMG, you should see him now... he does still have the sensitive side, but also as a 3rd degree black belt, I wouldn't be messin' with him...

That's what I love about our men in uniform, they defend us and take no individual recognition, team effort everytime. And yes, the ones who made the ultimate sacrifice are the heros!

Sounds like your hubby is quite a keeper...

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