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Edgerider wheels

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Am going to buy Edgerider wheels. Now I have a question from my DH. Does the head have to be removed to install edgerider wheels?

Can anyone answer this question for me? Know I have read about edgerider wheels on this forum - just can't locate info.


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I think it truly depends on which model of machine you are replacing the wheels on.

I have an older model APQS Ultimate II. The wheels on the carriage just roll back and forth along an indented tracking system.

The wheels under the carriage are exposed and roll along horizontal on top of the table on an inverted V shaped horizontal aluminum track.

How simple is this! Very! My husband changed the old brown composite wheels to the Edgerider wheels in 20 mins. Sort of like jacking up a car wheel, and changing the tire. There is a big difference in the wheels and axle system on an Ultimate II and a Millinium machine

Now, if you have a Millinium---I think it's going to be a lot more complicated from the pictures I've seen of the wheel and tracking system. You need to chat with a Milli owner who has done this wheel change,

Once you do get your Edgerider wheels installed, you will wonder why you waited so long! :) The machine just seems to float along!:)

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