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Totally NQR -- Priceless

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All right now...that's just about enough "tail" humor:P:D:P I'm going back to the fitness center starting next week, so the tail will be shrinking...really, it will!!!!:):D

Kristina...Shellbourne is next June. Its usually the first week of June. With any luck, we'll be coming and bringing at least three horses and maybe four so we can trade off days (its a 5 day, 50 miles a day, ride). I'd love to do it again, so we're thinking about it.

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Wow Dory, what a beautiful picture. I can feel the serenity! I've had 2 back surgeries also so I know what you mean on getting back to something close to normal. You live in beautiful country. Do you get to ride often? How many horses do you have? I've always loved horses and use to ride frequently when I was young. I had a friend with horses where I grew up. I never was lucky enough to own one. My husband does Cowboy Action shooting and his friends ask if he does it on horseback. He says that Cowboy Action Shooting is a fantasy sport and having a 2000 lb horse is no fantasy!:P Anyway, I'll bet you do get to see stars. I live in the city and can't see them anymore. I miss that. Thanks for sharing and am glad you are back in the saddle again!

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Hi Virginia. We live about 2 hours SW from where this picture was taken; just as beautiful but no volcanic rock!! We have 5 horses (three rideable, one just getting started and one just coming two) and we ride about 3 days a week. Because we do endurance, we have to keep them in shape or it just isn't fair. I never had a horse until I was 35; now I'll never be without one, if I can help it.

I've never heard of Cowboy Action Shooting...sounds like fun! And tell your husband that not all horses weigh 2000 lbs; heck, none of mine weigh 1000! Also, having a horse isn't a fantasy....he's right there, but it is a dream come true:)

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Originally posted by DoryJM

I've never heard of Cowboy Action Shooting...sounds like fun! And tell your husband that not all horses weigh 2000 lbs; heck, none of mine weigh 1000! Also, having a horse isn't a fantasy....he's right there, but it is a dream come true:)

I've never done it only because I've never owned my own horse....(always worked ranches that had horses) anyway its a really big thing in several states with actual competition shooting from horse back...its all done in period clothing and in some cases period guns..black powder, etc.

The courses are pretty intense and look really hard...from shooting targets to balloons to pole bending.

Check it out it might become your next venture.

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I have a friend who has horses and they just bought one that she is going to use in the compititions that shoot at the targets and balloons. She showed it to me online and it looks like fun! I am planning on going and watching her when she gets her horse trained. linda

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