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Good morning Bonnie B

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Rain...no problem...we live on a HUGE hill...no flooding here... should that happen it will be the second coming of Noah.

Yes, Sara is happy to be home again....won't leave out sides...I think she thought she was being punished...you ask her to lay down and she can't get there fast enough. It's like she is saying I'll be good just don't send me back. Poor thing.;)

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Poor Sara. Sugar does the same thing when we leave her. The first 15 - 30 minutes she tries to be mad at us and then she won't leave us alone. I figured your were good but wasn't sure if your basement got water in it. I know Gene did a lot of work to fix that problem. It is pooring here right now. Where the heck is all this rain coming from?

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Well keep it up there...so far its not down here and I'm just happy with that. It poured yesterday and from what I have heard everyday but two while I was gone..... Toto Take me back to Montana where yes it was 112, but ZERO humidity and no rain.

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We actually had a perfect day yesterday and it has been raining on and off all day today. I think it started around 9 or so. I'm tired of it and yes I think it rained almost every day you were gone. July was the wettest on record! I'm glad our house is up higher too. So many people are having water in the basement. I'd be sick! I don't want it to be 112 either though! I'd settle for 80's and no rain, at least not for a week!

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So very glad to see you safely back, bonnie. Just sorry of the situation that caused all the upheavel.. never easy to take, and heal from.

We need our active people back on the forum, so many missing, or seldom pop in.

Hugs, and God Bless, Ritar

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The BM quilt show was very nice. I actually did not take pictures because on Friday, my camera was left on the mountain where we took our nieces and nephew rockclimbing! I was going to take my husband's camera yesterday...but walked out of the house without it. Probably a good thing...I might have left his camera too where it is irretrievable!!

The guils in BM held a 20" block challenge. There were 17 blocks entered...and 9 came from Ely. Mine had lots of chatter from people voting. I would love to win some of the blocks. They are made from the Udder Cowboy Moda collection. Not that I really liked the fabric...it would make a great quilt to finish and donate to the local 4H here. I will post later if I win.

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Glad to see our Bonnie's smiley face here again. We missed you. Don't worry much about Sara... she will get over this quickly and back to herself in a few days. She just missed you. Give her a "good girl" hug from me.

Those of you who have plenty of rain, please send the rain here, please! We haven't had rain in I don't remember last... It is so dry here we are surrounded by wildfire smoke for the past month+ and we are sick of living in the smoke and ash falling down around us. It is a tinderbox. If we get some rainy thunderstorms (which I know are coming...but none on forecast) I am afraid it will strike up more fires. We have this supertaker 747 flying around up here putting out the fires right now. It's really bad. It's like living in Los Angeles during the smoggiest month you could imagine. Thick. :o:(

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