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help--new kitten

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Help--can't get quilting done for keeping up with new stray kitten.

A 5 mo. old Siamese kitten has adopted us about a month ago. While she uses the litter box just fine, she also will urinate on my daughter's beds to the point we have to keep all bedroom doors shut all the time. This upsets our other two cats and dog who like being in the girl's and our rooms.

Do any of you know if females spray territory like males or is she just too lazy to go downstairs to the litter box each time. She is sweet, loveable and cute BUT this is going on too long. Also, does anyone know if getting her spayed would help. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Suzie

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Over the years our family has had enough animals to start our own zoo. The kids were always finding strays to keep and this is what we did when a new cat came into the house. They will always want to scent their own territory but if they don't smell the other cats right away they won't spray and yes my females would spray. We rubbed a small amount of vic vapo rub on her so she could not smell the other cats. For a few days and then it wasn't needed. She would go up to the other cats and they all smelled the same....vics that is and no problem after that. Just be sure you don't get it close to her eyes. I would put it under her chin, works like a charm. Hope this works for you too.

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Originally posted by Suzie W.

.......She is sweet, loveable and cute BUT this is going on too long. Also, does anyone know if getting her spayed would help. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Suzie

First, yes get that cat spayed. Definitely. All pets ,,,dogs, cats,,, should be spayed or neutered (IMHO) The only pets (animals) that are too be kept intact are those animals that are to be used only for breeding purposes. And, let's leave the breeding to the professionals who know what they are doing. Us regular folks can just have the pets. Spay your pets. :)

Second, not sure if this cute sweet adorable stray kitten is best fit for your house. Consider all the options. Maybe one option is to find another loving home where this kitty can have run of the house all by herself and then maybe she won't cause a mess...and won't upset the furry occupants who have lived the before she arrived...

Shana (who has three ,,, count 'em three... German shedding dogs). Three too many dogs, but I love them all nonetheless and I can't imagine life without living in fur. :)

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You may consider having the kitty checked for a possible urinary tract infection. That can cause peeing issues. The number and location of litter boxes can also be an issue. They, whoever "They" are, say you should have one litter box per cat, plus one. 2 cats=3 boxes. The kitten may also be feeling intimidate by the other cats when it goes to use the box. Watch for exessive urination as that can be a sign of other issues.

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At five months old, kitty is probably preparing for going into heat. Having her spayed might cure the problem. We had a female cat from the pound that would pee on our son's bed about once a year at the time that she would normally be going into heat. She loved him, and was signaling that she was "ready" I guess. She was a wonderful cat otherwise, and she only did it once a year! I would certainly try the citrus scent spray. Cats hate citrus. But still, immediate spaying would be my first line of attack.

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