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Move Millie

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We just moved mine even less of a distance - dining room to new studio which was the attached garage. My husband is great though and we basically did it in about 8 pieces. First, we took off the machine (1), then take off the bars (4), and take the table (1) off of the side legs (2) and then just put it back together in the opposite order. And, I've now done my first quilt on it and everything is back and running. Good luck and you won't have any problem.

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Do you have castors on your table? Do you have a trailer the table will fit in? If so, you can move the table as one unit (of course, take off the machine head, carriage, rollers and lexan top) Also, that would require a door wide enough at both ends of the move to get it in/out of the house/studio.

If you can't do the above, then take the legs off but leave the table top (aluminum rails and cross tubes) together and move that as one unit. This will be almost a complete breakdown, but will save you a few steps.

I move my machine quite often to take to shows for demoing, and have used both methods. It depends on where I am going as to how far I break down the table.

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We have move mine from WA to CA. Had to rent a truck. Anyway, head off and then when taking the table apart, only take apart enough to get through doors, etc - most likely what Patty indicates. Also, I put all screws in little plastic bags and label according to where they go. It is very easy to mix them up. It is a pain, but it is much easier than the first time we put it together.

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Over the past five months, I have assembled and disassembled my shortie "show" table more times that I can count, which included moving my Millie head and carriage from my 14 foot table at home to the setup table at a show or retreat - then back again.

The suggestions from Sally, Patty and Meg are right on - take it apart only as far as absolutely necessary - and keep all parts in separate baggies. Also, if you have one of those magnetic dishes, it'll hold some of the parts nicely (but not the aluminum ones).

Keep careful track of which axles go where on the head and the carriage - can't tell you how many times we mixed 'em up, until we finally marked each and every one:P

If you follow your setup instructions from the manual, only in reverse, they're actually pretty comprehensive, but if you get into a bind, you can call me at home (509-447-3803) or on my cell (509-671-1467) and I'll walk you through whatever you've run into - I can do this in my sleep!;)

Good luck with your move!

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I moved mine around the corner.

We took of the head and carriage.

We were then able to put the whole tray on the back of a ute(on mattresses) with three large trusty gentleman accompanying her and drove at snails pace. I am lucky I have Large Double doors into the house and studio. so they just carried her inside and I was set up again within minutes. Well apart from unpacking all the other boxes they had just left in my studio too.


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Gee, you all make it sound pretty easy. The big thing for me will be keeping everything in baggies & marked for future reference. It will be coming up out of my basement which will be the hardest part about keeping it assembled as much as possible. But the new home has double doors & a walk-out basement in which we can get it in more easily.

Thanks for all the good advice, I'll let you all know how it goes. I have my manual out here studying it now, it is pretty helpful, in reverse...

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My show table is 7 foot wide - I bought it used from APQS in February for $2000 plus tax and shipping. I think new ones are running around $2500, but you'd have to ask the home office about that.

If you're serious about getting a second table, I was contacted earlier this year by an APQS owner in western WA who has a show table to sell - I could put you in contact.

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