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Family Reunion....

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Saturday was my Dad's family reunion. My Dad is a quilter so he made a quilt top and I quilted it for him. We decided instead of passing the hat for donations that we would raffle it off. We made $260 which is way more than we would have gotten passing the hat. This is just an idea for others who may have family reunions in the future. The lady who won it lives in Indiana and is a beginner quilter so she was absolutely thrilled.


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At our family reunion this summer, we also had quilts. Three made by different family members, and another made by family members that were blocks of material, and in the center was my grandparents' names and a block around that square for each of their children. Then more blocks for that childs ( my dad) children and spouse then another block for each child (myself and my siblings) with their familes and one more block for the grandchildren. In all each of our names were on it 3 times, I thnk, it was a few months ago:o It was a pretty good sized quilt. My dad had 5 siblings, with one of those Uncles having 11 kids, and those kids had many among them selves.

All the quilts were auctioned off, bringing in a huge amount of money. One of the quilts was made by my sister with my fathers jeans and few pieces of a shirt. My sister had it planned to have our brother bid on it and then she gave it to me. I cried, first because she could not really afford to spend that much, secondly because it was my dads clothes and I had asked for those clothes when my father passed away and my brother was being an a## and would not give them to me, and thirdly my sister and I have not spoken more in the last 20+ years than we have spoken.

I cherish the quilt. As much as I would have liked the clothes in the first place, this is better than nothing. But then sometimes, you just have to let things go and get on with life.

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