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Emergency! Jammed hook assembly HELP! now FIXED!

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Please come up with your best suggestions in between turkey stuffing duty, pretty please....

I'm flying down to England for tuition with my first customer tomorrow but her machine has gone on strike!

The needle up/down went mad, machine made a loud noise and jammed LOTS of thread tightly around the bobbin hook assembly.

I have sent her directions on how to sort the #8 screw and suggested soaking the bobbin area in WD40 and using tweezers. She says it is just not shifting... we don't have a dental hook. Will the last resort be to take out the whole hook assembly the retime?:(

The whole thing is jammed solid and not moving at all...

Please come up with a magic wand solution!!

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Hi Linzi,

One tool to have handy to get those pesky threads off (after a good soak in WD40) is to get some tweezers to grab and yank. I like to use the eyebrow tweezers that have the loops to put your fingers through. Good luck, best wishes.

Was she able to get the needle removed?

I know you can fix this and be the hero to your customer. :)

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Thanks, Shana - I knew you had mentioned the dental hooks before - I must source some and send them to everyone! I didn't ask if she got the needle out... I think it will just be one of those fiddly jobs that will take some time - hope we get it done quickly so we spend time quilting, not fixing!:o

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If you're very careful, you can use an exacto knife to cut through the threads wound around the hook assemby - I keep a blade with a curved edge in my kit just for that. But you have to do it VERY gradually. Once you make a cut, there will be some thread ends you can pull out, then another cut, etc.

Good luck!

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