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Question on Quiltazoid


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If you can't slide the CL any farther to the left to do your last block, then I guess you would have to turn the quilt, if that would make it possible to do the quilting on that last block. I never had that problem, however. Perhaps the quilts I've done are smaller that what you are doing, although I only have an 11' frame.

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With the CL, I don't believe you would have to turn the quilt...holy cow...if that were the case, no one would have a CL. You turn the CL base unit around. However, I have never, ever had that kind of problem and I have used my CL on a lot of quilts. Here is a webshots folder of a lot of my CL work...take a peek..


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Any gadget that takes up space (Hartley Fence, QZ, Topper, CL, etc.) could conceivably cause you an issue. This would only be if your quilt was taking up the entire length of your table however. I have the 14' table and just did an oversized queen quilt using the QZ from the front. I was able to quilt on the left side without a problem.

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I thought you had already decided on the QZ. I know this is a huge decision to make. Look at everyone's web shots and pictures of quilts. Keep in mind which product has the patterns you like the most and go from there. If you see QZ designs on quilts and you like the looks and you already know how to easy it seems to be to use, then go with that one. Same with HF, CL or which ever device you might be considering. You are the one that has to live with the purchase you make. Check out the web sites for each tool. You make the decision for yourself.

I had the HF and switched to CL because, for me, it was easier to use and had more design choiced, and I loved the way the quilts looked that the CL was being used on. But it was my decision, no one elses when I changed.


That is what I was thinking too. It would depend on the size of your table and quilt. I too have a 14' table, and I have never had a customer quilt that goes all the way to the edge, therefore I have never had that problem with the CL. But, if you were having that problem, you can just turn the CL around on the table to accomodate the size and get those hard to reach edges.

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When working from the front, it might be a little tight if you have a very large quilt or a smaller table, and thereby not much space to work.

HOWEVER, the CL offers you two options......to work from the front or to work from the back. When working from the back there is no way you will run out of working space on either side of the quilt.

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I wasn't aware of that.

I looked at their website and didn't see any pictures of it working from the back......except for the giant templates. But the verbage does mention that it can be run from the back or front.

I guess there is a clamp to make it steadfast to the table on the back?

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