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NQR~ Help! Anyone live near Mall of America?

Guest LA

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Hey Connie,

Yes it's a long story,, my hubby made a purchase while on a business trip, paid for the item & asked to have them shipped to Oregon.

Well come to find out that the store doesn't ship anywhere even if the item is PAID for! That would have been nice of the store to tell him that!

The mall doesn't have a shipper located within the mall which is just plain crazy,, as if I were shopping there I would want to ship all of my items at once to save on shipping! Just like the quilt shows!

So with the economy being that it is now,,stores regulate a bone head policie like this??

I would cancel the order but it is the last pair of winter boots in that color & style and exclusive to that company!

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Linda, so sorry to hear about this. But ... regardless of how fabulous this exclusive and hard to find boot is and that it's the last boot on earth you'd ever want to wear,,,, (the store employee goofed--the store owner should personally mail this through their Post Office) if I were You , Linda-Lou, I would tell that store that if they don't help to make this situation right then they are to credit your purchase and then stick their fabulous boot where it does not fit. :cool: (I hope it has a pointy toe and a high heel).

......I'm just sayin.........

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Linda, How soon do you need them? I live 60 miles from the Mall and my daughter will be going north of it back to college Sunday, and coming home again Friday. I also have some nieces and nephews and a couple of bils and wives in the close area.

Let me know if we can help. I'm trying to get together with a nephew and wife this weekend to finally give them their wedding quilt. If we meet in the middle they might be able to pick them up, or we could if we go all the way up to meet them.

As for Karen McTavish being in Duluth, that could be about 2-3 hours for her. The Mall is in Bloomington, suburb of Minneapolis.

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Linda, all I can say is hummmm. I agree the store should do you right!!! I know how it is to want that one thing no matter what. I hope someone on here can help. It's hard to believe the store can't ship the boots, it's the Mall of America for gosh sakes, a vacation spot etc. Show us a pic when your boots arrive, would like to see them too.:cool:

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You girls are the *BEST*, quilters are the greatest people on the face of the earth!

Marge was heading that way today bless her heart!

Thank you girls, you are so kind!

Here's a picture of the boots, but ya better hurry if ya want a pair,, well then again don’t forget to ask if they ship!! :P

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Ladies, and Linda,

Let me try this again. The boots are on their way. They are beautiful, and should arrive in 2 to 3 days. Minnesota is known for "Minnesota Nice" so I apologize for the store clerks that couldn't take a little effort and mail them.

All I can say Linda is leave it to the quilters, we know how to finish a project. Enjoy!

Take Care,


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I am so very thankful to you girls!!

Wow, I am defiantly going to pay it forward first chance I get! :)

I told Marge she could make a fortune running a UPS store in that mall!! I am still in disbelief that they don’t have one!

Anyone need anything from Oregon?? ;)

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