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Please help. I need ideas for this one

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I've been asked to quilt a top called "Rolling Pins" by Me and My Sister designs. Its a series of similar sized rectangles7"x 15"), some vertical, some horizontal. The client would like it to be contemporary and plans to put it in a quilt show. The fabric is Mirror Ball Dlts by Michael Miller.

Please let me know your thoughts! Nothing I've come up with has "clicked" with her so far.



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Yes, that's the quilt. Unfortunately, I don't have a Circle Lord, so that's out. Great idea, though! I have lots of templates, stencils and pantographs. The closes I've come to finding something she likes is "Splash" by Willow Leaf Studio. However, she'd really like something creative and custom.

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it's pretty - i cant' wait to see it quilted!

i am by no means an expert...but i would do nesting circles until someone else from this forum came up with a better idea. i think it would add movement. i would make sure to include circles somehow. nesting is what i see.

that being said - if you wait til 10 am tomorrow, there will be WAY BETTER quilters than me giving you their opinions. if i were you - i'd listen to them.

i will be following you - make sure to post the finished product.

good luck!

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Nice colors in that quilt. The idea popped into my head looking at it, that since it is called "Rolling Pins" it would be fun to have apple core shapes quilted like the apple core quilt design. That would give you some curves and a single shape/design to work with that would fit in itself. You could make the core what ever size you wanted. I saw someone's directions on making a jumbo apple core pattern in the last few months, but can't remember what site I saw it.

good luck. It will be interesting to see what others come up with and what your customer finally agrees with.

I found the directions for making the apple core shape of your own choice of size: http://thimbleanna.com/?p=808

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Guest Linda S

I'd do an all-over - a fun swirly pantograph to take the edge off all that angularity. You're not really going to see much of the quilting with the strong colors and angles.


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