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New IQ owner!


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I just had to rave about my new IQ that I've had for about a week and a half and will be installed on my Milli on Sunday. I just love what it can do and I know it will make my quilting look so much better than I could have on my own. I've already designed several quilts and I'm working on a wholecloth design that I'll probably need a little help on to get it just right but so far it's really easy to run. I hope I can download pictures once I get it going.

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Kerri, congrats, you are going to have so much fun playing and deciding on designs. I just took a wholecloth class at MQX with Crystal Smythe, it was a lot of fun!!! Linda Lawson also teaches wholecloth classes. I can't tell where you live but a lot of areas are forming IQ groups that meet just like guilds. Check your area on the IQ Yahoo Group. Welcome!!!

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