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NQR - Stressed- ARGGG!!!

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I'm supposed to be happy and excited that I'm retiring (sort of). We are moving to CA. the end of next month. We are not accepting any quilts after May 29th. A lot of our customers are working overtime to get the quilts to us now. Soooo, we are busy. In-between quilting, I am trying to decide what is moving with us and what just can't go. Our house here is about 2600 sq.ft. The house we're moving to is 1000 sq. ft. I am the keeper of family treasures and am finding out that I seem to be the only one who cares about this "stuff". :( The good side is that when the customers come here, they have to leave with a "treasure". :D I think they're a little afraid to come here now. Needless to say, the house looks like a bomb went off. We have boxes and bags in every room now. But, here's the problem. My knee has been hurting for a while now and my husband took me to the doctor and he gave me a shot to stop the hurting. Well, that just ticked the knee off so now I am scheduled for a knee scraping on Tuesday. That's just what I need. The doctor said I can walk out of the hospital the same day so maybe it won't slow me up much. Anyone out there ever have this done? Did it slow you up? If so, how long? When we get to CA. there is still work to be done on that house and a studio built in the garage. We should have done all this before we got "old". ;) My husband says "lets just get in the car, shut the door, and start over" If that was only possible! :P

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Guest Linda S

Oh Carol! Talk about maximum stress! I haven't had my knees worked on (although every once in a while, they tell me they may need looking at), but I've had so many parts of me soldered, stitched together, debrided, etc., that I can relate. The move alone would be enough to stress anyone out. Breathe deeply and dream when you can.

I'll be thinking of you.


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Carol I have had my knees scoped 7 times (5 on the left and 2 on the right), also have had a ACL graph done on the left. I would say it all depends on how much cleaning and polishing the Doctor has to do. For me I was laid up for 4 to 6 weeks each time, except this last time. This last time I forced myself to return to work after only a week. I probably should of taking another week or two off instead. Anyways I wish you the best with your surgery and hope your up and running in no time!

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I can certainly relate to your feeling that you are stuck/blessed with all the family treasures. My mother lived in the same house for many years. We always wanted her to move nearer to us, but going through her many possessions was just more than she could deal with. I remember her saying that she just wished her house would burn to the ground, so she could start over and not have to make all those hard decisions. Of course, after she died guess who had to make the decisions...and I still have many boxes of her "treasures" in one of our sheds.

Good luck with your knee. What part of CA are you moving to?

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hi carol -

i'm sorry about your knee - it must be bad knee season as i am facing the same thing. i am SICK AND TIRED of hobbling around and dealing with pain & swelling ~ i am actually looking forward to getting things fixed. but then again, i am not in the process of moving.

i did move a bit over 3 years ago - and i have to say - although i HATED it at the time, i am most grateful that i had to eliminate some of my treasures for the move. it is so nice to enter a storage room and be able to move about in there. and i also got rid of a lot of my fabric treasures - stuff that i would probably never use - and donate it. so my space is nice and organized now. (and i have room to shop!)

so, even though it might be hard to believe right now, you will come thru the other side. and when you do, all your efforts will have made for a much more enjoyable - and less painful - life for yourself! folks love california - all that gorgeous weather - it's gonna be great.

good luck - hang in there - you can do it!

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Sorry stress seems to invading your space today! I hope things get better as the day goes on...moving is not on my top ten of favorite things to do!

Where are you moving in CA? California's pretty big, but if your anywhere near me..I would be glad to help you at this end!


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I also had knee problems and was walking with a cane for a while, it was so bad. About a month ago, I had a cortizone shot and I thought it would work overnight. Not so! Little by little, almost imperceptably it has gotten better. I just realized yesterday that I could go up the stairs without pain. Hopefully, things will improve. Unfortunately, not on your schedule. I hope things get better for you soon.

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Bob and I are moving to Victorville, CA. in southern CA. in the high desert. I had a lady come today and we filled her back seat with "stuff". :D I was just so frustated cause we are busy quilting and I was washing and packing in the afternoons. I sure don't need to be laid up cause of a knee. The up side is Bob has been "taking care of me". Yea, my new house doesn't have any stairs. Maybe it won't be bad. Tomorrow is the scraping day. Colleen - He gave me a shot of cortizone and it felt better for a few hours then the knee went into pain overdrive. That's the part I didn't understand. It has been worse since the shot. So glad your knee feels better. I'm hopeful for tomorrow.

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Yea!!!!:P My knee was scraped today and feels so much better. There is swelling and some soreness and I CAN WALK with a walker for a few days but wow, I can't believe the difference. The doctor explained that about 1 in every 1000 has a reaction to the cortizone shot and from what he understands, it is extremely painful. YUP, just ask me but now the pain is gone and I haven't even taken a pain pill yet. I'm sure in the next few days it will get a might sore but it is unbelieveable how the pain is diminished. YIPPEE!!

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I'm so glad the scraping went well and you feel better. I've been getting cordizone in my foot, total of 4 shots in 2 different locations for a little over a year. I was lucky in that it made it feel somewhat better until the last 2 months. Surgery for me is on Friday. I'm sorry about the move and having to weed things out. I'm a weeder though and hubby is the saver. Makes me crazy! LOL he was in the Marine Corp and you should have seen me go to town as soon as he was out of town for a week or two! We've lived in this house now for 7 years and I really need to weed again. My stuff I've weeded but it is time again but his stuff hasn't been weeded completely. A couple of months ago I went down to the basement and did a lot of weeding and then watched him pull the stuff out of the trash! I'm waiting for him to go away and be gone when the trash comes. Usually he doesn't travel on weekends and Monday's are trash day. Good luck on the weeding!

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