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NQR We missed the plane

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Hi everyone,

just thought I would let you know what I have been up to lately:D

Been back from France visiting my youngest sister for a few days.

This was my first time visiting Wendy since she moved to France four years ago.

Mind I think my other sister who is well travelled and myself maybe should not be let out together alone:D

After getting the hire car we set of on our approx hour journey to wendy's home. Only to find out about 20 miles later we were heading in the wrong direction. We did get there in the end and a good time was had by all. Glorious weather, and being able to sit out side to have all our meals was lovely.

Well the day comes when it is time to come home :P marie and i set of to the airport with plenty of time to spare, or so we thought.

There we are travelling down the motorway without a care in the world:D

Marie says to me, I think we have missed the turn off, and we had:o

So I had to put my map reading skills into practice. I got us to the airport, but we where 1 minute late to check in our bags, they just would not budge even though noone had gone through into the departure lounge. Oh well we got two more days holiday, and my sister who lives in France took us to the airport this time.

Just found out that my poor DS in France fell down a well in her garden yesterday. She was pulling weeds and took a step back and the concrete block on the well shifted and her leg went through. She has ended up with a broken ankle. She is feeling a bit sorry for herself, I am grateful though it is not any worse.

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I don't know whether to laugh or cry! That sounds just like my sisters and I. We don't worry about getting lost, or having a mishap tho, we consider it an adventure! Living in Houston we have had many adventures! Our Mother even refers to them that way. "Will you be here soon, or are you having an adventure?". Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Time with sisters is grand!

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Yes we did !!! We thought you were in France. Hope you had a great time other than the missing the flight !! it is the kind of thing that would happen to me too !! My flights went surprisingly smoothly though to Scotland.


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Hi Kenna

Thankfully we did have a good laugh about it, but I dont think our families are going to stop ribbing us for a while about missing the plane. Mind I keep telling them we did not miss the plane, they just would not let us get on :D

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Guest Linda S

Sounds like it was a wonderful trip. Perhaps you should go back to care for your sister now that she has a bad ankle? ;) I don't travel often, but when I was in Italy, I remember not wanting to come home.

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I am sorry to hear that your DS injured her ankle, how stressful to be there and not be able to board the plane, but again, two extra days of vacation would be fun...especially in France! I traveled over to the UK about 5 years ago with my DS and DD and we have a wonderful time. Surprised that we did not miss anything as none of us knew what we where doing! My Daughter and SIL are in London now and are planning to see Wales and travel to Dublin and back to London by end of next week.

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Hi Kath,

I am really, really sorry to hear about your sister!

Missing a plane is a bummer but nothing compared to a

broken ankle, yikes!

I broke my ankle May24th,,, it was a really bad break I now have a couple

of plates & many screws. I look forward to the day I can

walk again, it can be a very long recovery for some!

My motivation is a trip to Paris in September, I pray I am

able to go, we will see.

Where in France does your Sis live? It would be fun to possibly

meet her, is she a quilter by chance??

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Hi Kath,

I am pleased you were off having a 'jolly', coz I was wondering where you were and if you were OK...sounds like you were having fun...shame about your sister, hope it was a straight forward break?

I am sending this from a 'Government PC'...lol...I am back at work this AM after my weekend jolly away..speak to you soon

Best Wishes

Kay in Scotland

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Just found out that my poor DS in France fell down a well in her garden yesterday. She was pulling weeds and took a step back and the concrete block on the well shifted and her leg went through. She has ended up with a broken ankle. She is feeling a bit sorry for herself, I am grateful though it is not any worse.

hope she's ok andheals up real fast.

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