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Guess what I got for Thanksgiving???

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Well, it was the night before Thanksgiving. Everything was as quiet as a mouse....nothing moving, nothing stirring. It was time for bed and as usual I let my darling angel Tess out for her last nightly business before settling down. I sat back down on the couch and was lurking on this forum to see what had happened during the day. All of a sudden, my nose began twitching, and I began to gag,,,and oh no...not again...please not again....I ran to the door and called Tess.

She sheepless came to me and as she approached, oh my, here we go again, she attacked another....... another......Can you guess what it is????? You are right...a skunk....yuk...yuk...yuk...

Now you can guess what I have been doing the last few days....Thank goodness we were invited to my brother-in-law's for dinner..LOL:D:D:D:D

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thanks for the recipe...I will try that one. Maybe this one will work on her.

If anyone has a quilting pattern for a skunk, please forward it to me. I would love to make one for my darling Tess...so she could beat up on it rather than the real ones. :P:P I would much rather pick up fluffies off the floor rather than try and get the smell off of her and in the house. WHAT A JOB!

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Originally posted by sammi357

do you have the skunk shampoo recipe?

Skunk Wash

1/4 cup baking soda

1 qt 3% hydrogen peroxide

1 tablespoon dishwashing detergent

mix well, shampoo, rinse well. don't get in the dog's eyes.

i think you are supposed to use Dawn detergent - at least that's what i was told.

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A quick fix, especially at 11:30 at night, just before you want to go to bed....Sprinkle baking soda on the rascal. my Husky did it to me again Saturday night. was going to leave her outside on the deck for the night, but she wimpered and whined, so a box of baking soda was sprinkled on her head to toe, let her shake herself, brush with a defurminator, and she could sleep in her usual spot, right beside my bed. baking soda is a great odor absorber, even skunk oil.

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I usually make my own cleaning products and backing soda is used in a lot of them....it works great for a lot of different things and now it works great on the dog. I made up that recipe that Sammie suggested and I added a half a cap full of vanilla to it. It did the trick. I also sprayed her bedding again. That stuff really works.

Monika, I have written down your suggestion as well. Good idea for that late night occurance..LOL. We have an awefull lot of skunks in the area of the city..Don't know why. When I went to work today, the Vice Principal said there were about a half a dozen kids in her class that got skunked...I bought the last of the peroxide at the drup store today, so what does that tell you... :mad::mad:

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