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St. Marie aux Mines? What is it????

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Just a note on St. Marie aux Mines, which is the

Carrefour European de Patchwork,

Someone asked me to say what it is but thought I would give you the link, which is


There is an English flag on top so it can be translated for you. This will tell you more that I can.

I know that I love going, and this year will be great again.

Philippe and I will do our best to get you to buy a new Apqs machine, and you can play with a new Lenni that is Blissed.

I know that it is quite a drive (!!!) from USA but if you ever plan a trip over here you know that there is a nice show going on in France the month of September.

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Thank you for posting the link of the festival. It sounds like a major international event with lots to see and do. Wish I could go! It is interesting to see how popular quilting is around the world, especially in Europe. It would be fun to see photos of you and Phillippe selling machines! Are you going to have a booth there?

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Hi, Joan is the one who had asked for a summery of St. Marie, so,

Yes the APQS booth is going to be up and better than ever, Philippe and I are in the shuffle and .....of getting things together. It will be lots of fun, and when Philippe gets into it, he is a great quilter and super storyteller!!!!!

I will bring brownies for everyone, that breaks the ice, and it is just great.

Shana, just drive over!!!!!won't be so far for you!!!!

and Cherly will be waiting for you next year!!!

Wish you could all come, I will post pictures again this year on my blog,so you can all see how much fun it is. (very small but big at heart)

Tinie, who I met in Germany at Claudia's class is coming with lots of gals.

The booth will be changing every day, I am hoping to bring many many quilts to show,

that means every day I change the decor.....

So exciting to meet new people and make new friends, the quilting world is fabulous!!!!

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