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I was in such a rut, Well state fair came up, I had the honor of naming the theme, so felt obligated to enter a quilt..I kept putting it off, finally started it Weds. It was Due Sat. Talk about pushing myself to the limits. So many times I wanted to quit but glad I didn't I got judges choice! I have never heard of the excuse "we don't display judges choice" bummer. I did get the ribbon, but still.......

Thanks for all the encouragement to get back into it. I know what changes I need to make to the new room and am looking forward to getting back to what i love. Sorry I still do not know how to post a pic. Jacque

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They claimed they did not have room. I have recieved judges choice on several and they were always displayed. They arguged so I said I would bring pics hat show then hanging with the others. One was a first and judges choice so they said it was because it placed first, but the the other that was was judges choice only they said it was impossible. I ask them if the stage had shrunk and they said no they had to use the space for homemade wine and beer. But at least AI am out of my rut Jacque

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I went to a quilt show this year where they put some quilts over a chair because there wasn't enough hanging room. Unfortunately, my friend's quilt, which I quilted, was on a chair because they said her colors didn't match with the others. So I can understand your feelings.

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I think just to be anry I should go drink ALL the beverages that are consumming space. Thanks for all the encouragement. I never start early on a quilt I am entering. This was the one with the least time, usually a week ahead. Everyone thinks I am nuts, but I enjoy the pressure. Yes I agree. I have have gotten one first prize ribbon and three judges choice ribbons and I am more proud of the judges choice ribbons. Jacque

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