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Show quilt to dog blanket

Guest Linda S

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Guest Linda S

Well, not totally, but the quilt I put on the frame for myself and began to quilt has turned into a disaster, so it will not be going to show until I have skinned the whole thing and started over. I should have stuck with my original choice of bobbin color, and I should not have relied on the electronic channel locks on my IQ to keep the quilt square. When I got to the bottom, I realized there was no way I could let this hang anywhere. Maybe next year!!

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Well, in that case, can you hear me barking???? Don't rip it out...send it to me. Of course, I understand your pain...I just ripped out a quilt and redid it because I hated the thread color I had chosen and I decided the quilting design was ugly too. AAARRGGHHH!!!

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AWWW too bad. I can relate. Not a show quilt but a wall hanging for my living room. Loved how it turned out. Put it in the washer to just fill and then was going to spin it. Forgot it and it went through the entire cycle. Would have normally been fine but I had used alpaca batting which needs to be hand washed. Believe that warning. Was kinda like my pom mix after he was into the cockle burrs!!! with the batting tangled on the outside of the quilt! Not pretty.

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Originally posted by jeri

AWWW too bad. I can relate. Not a show quilt but a wall hanging for my living room. Loved how it turned out. Put it in the washer to just fill and then was going to spin it. Forgot it and it went through the entire cycle. Would have normally been fine but I had used alpaca batting which needs to be hand washed. Believe that warning. Was kinda like my pom mix after he was into the cockle burrs!!! with the batting tangled on the outside of the quilt! Not pretty.


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So sorry to hear that Linda...........I hate the snowball effect......nothing goes right. Maybe now that the pressure is off you can leave it in a corner for awhile. Then when you go back to it you will be amazed that it will all come together and be beautiful!!!


APQS Liberty

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Guest Linda S

Well, my dealer said it was just because the quilt draws in as you quilt it. Hello? I've been quilting for seven years (on a longarm, that is), so I know about shrinkage. I think my quilt top leader is crooked. It seems to have pulled the quilt to the right and, which the channel locks helped me keep the quilt perfect on the right side, the left side drew in and I ended up with a baggy middle No way to fix it but take it out. I love the quilt, so I will take it apart and re-do it. Luckily, I have zippers, so I just took it off and left it on its zippers. I'll put it back on the frame when I finish my clients' quilts, and it will be easier to skin it there with an eyebrow trimmer.

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Could the centers of the leaders been off. I have had a similar problem with my Lenni. The take up roller is actually almost 1/2 inch off from the front rollers. What I mean by that is there is a shifting of the rails as I advance the quilt if I am not careful. The centers of the leaders can be lined up and the backing centered but as I advance the quilt what happens is the rail slides back and forth that in that 1/2 inch of play in the rail. It ends up making the bottom of a square quilt off by sometimes up to an inch. I have tried everything to fix this but the part that holds the rails must actually be bowed. I swapped ends and reversed the end pieces and all it did was move the 2 rails with the extra play to the front instead of the back. The table is square and the sides are tight so the only other solution I can see would be for the side to be warped or sprung.

Have you noticed anything similar to this or is it just this quilt that it happened to you on??

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Guest Linda S

Just to be clear -- this isn't a problem with the IQ! My machine is crooked. Jeanne - I thought the centers to my leaders were off too, but I think it is that my quilt top roller (I don't float, and I'm not about to start now) is crooked. The centers meet fine, but as it rolls, it shifts. I figured it out by turning on the horizontal channel lock and just basting a row of stitching at various points on the leader as I roll. It ended up looking like a fan, and you can see how it would pull to the right. I guess that leader is stretched, so I'll replace it.

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