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Just need to vent!!!!!

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I quilt free baby quilts that the ladies in our church make for each baby that is Baptized. Someone brought me two. Both are pieced well lets say NOT so well. I quilted the first and the backing was sewn with the wrong sides together. Yep I unsewed and restitched. Then I went to put the second quilt on. This is what I found. So I'm going to go to my stash and replace this fabric. Note the fusing fabric on the back isn't large enough for the cut!

Thanks for listening! I feel better already!!!!!


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Oh, I hate that. I don't know why people think when they are giving something to charity, it doesn't matter what condition it is in. They give old clothes they wouldn't wear, appliances that don't work etc....

I wouldn't want to give something away that I would be glad to own myself. It's nice of you to fix the problems.

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Can you let the person who is in charge of the donation quilts in your guild know what happened? Everyone in our guild has been given instructions on what we can and cannot use on "binkies" and other community quilts. I think my stomach would have dropped on that one! Nice of you to fix it.

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Originally posted by LauraJ

Can you let the person who is in charge of the donation quilts in your guild know what happened? Everyone in our guild has been given instructions on what we can and cannot use on "binkies" and other community quilts. I think my stomach would have dropped on that one! Nice of you to fix it.

Would you believe until this year she was in charge! I'm not sure how to handle it. I think I will just give her the quilts and keep my mouth shut! I talked to the new gal right after the quilts were left at my door! Literally!

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Maybe someone will read this thread and pass the word along. If we are going to volunteer, donate, or contribute to a cause in any way, it should be from our heart and soul, and even a little sacrificial, not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Leslie is right...donating is not throwing out the garbage. While sewing and quilting for charities and comfort, we can be praying for the recipient too. You are an angel Dell, going the second mile. Such angels are rare. No one will ever know what you did, but that little baby will enjoy and use that quilt just a little longer than if you had not repaired it.

It's OK to vent here. We're family and we try to understand. To vent "out there" would create chaos and aggravate the issue. :)

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Thank you for your support and venting too! I pinned the removed square to the batting on the edge of the quilt. I will return her quilts in the bag and send her on her way. When she opens the bags and unfolds the quilt she will see the removed fabric. Maybe the unsaid will encourage her to do better on her next gift!

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OK, When I first read this I didn't realize these were charity quilts. I thought these were quilts that someone was going to keep. I saw the ripped fabric and thought "oh that must be from grandma's dress, they want a piece of it to be shared in the special day and that was all that was left of it. Otherwise why would you use this?" To donate something like that is a shame. Just because you're donating something doesn't mean it should be garbage.

This Oct 29 I am hosting a Quilt-a-thon for Quilts for Kids. These quilts go to children that are hospitalized, I know that a recent call requesting quilts has been made from a large Children's Hospital near me for kids quilts, for kids on the Oncology (cancer) and Cardiac (heart) floors, specifically for teenagers. You bet the quilts they get from me and my group are going to be pristine.

You never know when the tide is going to change and you'll be on the other side of it.


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You found the perfect solution to the problem. One of the ladies in my guild always asks me if I'll quilt some quilts for the senior home in the area. She's trying to get rid of her material so she wants me to give the backing and batting. Usually it's 3 quilts every year, but they always have holes in the tops where she didn't catch the seams. I never said anything to her, but just fixed the problem and used the quilts for freehand practice.

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