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Finished another quilt from "H" ........

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My elderly quilting friend brought me another quilt to do for her last week. I have done 5 or 6 for her and all have needed much work to re-sew seams, straighten blocks, shorten borders, etc. At first I really hated to say anything to her, but on the other hand, I can't keep remaking her quilt tops before I can quilt them proprerly and not charge her for the extra time. If she were a stranger, I would give them back, but she isn't. So, today after I finished this last quilt, I e-mailed to tell her it was done and "gently" told her of some of the problems I encountered. I didn't go into detail of ALL the problems, but maybe bringing some of the things to her attention will help...........missed seams or barely caught seams that pull apart and get caught with the hopping foot. I felt bad to tell her these things, but they are big quilts that take a lot of time to repair. I didn't mention problems with the previous quilts either. I can put her off for a while now with the excuse that I have several of my own to do first, but eventually, she will be bringing me more. So, I will see what happens. I don't want to make her mad or upset, but...............I don't do this as a business, but it's nice to earn a little extra $$ for my hobby. I have a feeling the gal she used to have quilt for her has turned her down or made excuses that she is booked up. She DOES quilt as a business and doesn't have time to do repairs first. It is so sad. If I am still quilting at 85, maybe someone will have to "chat" with me, too. I hope not, but it's possible. I don't think she has any idea how bad her quilts are now. :(She was always such a good quilter and won ribbons year after year at the State Fair, etc. Gorgeous quilts !

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Hey Linda,

I'm sure we all do love jobs, sometimes without even thinking, I have a couple of "dear old ladies" that I quilt for regularly, one comes to our group so I usually wind up "helping " her cut out and put together so I know it won't be too far out of whack when I come to quilt it, I have tried gently suggesting but it falls on deaf ears, so to speak and I just hope I'm still piecing and quilting when I'm in my 80's.

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