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Hey, Kristina

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I appreciate the thoughts. We live in nevada. Although, we have spent much time lately in utah at the hospital and clinic.

The kids and my husband and I are doing well. Taylor goes back to the hospital for further testing on the 6th and 7th of february. She gets more blood drawn and another mri/mrv. There are over 1700 images taken to date of her head. We certainly hope that there is some improvement to the clot.

Taylor is enrolled in an online school to finish some courses for this semester. She misses the interaction with her school friends, but gets to see them at the ball games, and around town, a little bit anyways.

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Thanks lynn. She isn't out of the woods yet...but does look great. The doctors are looking into blood disorders. The clot in all the veins on the left side of her head...increased...even though she is on anticoagulants. She is still on the iv antibiotics for a little longer too. They are still worried there may still be infection present in the clot. We just hope the clotting doesn't break loose and get into her lungs. She remains closely monitored. Even though she is 15 and went to the basketball games yesterday, she wanted me to stay with her...she says she doesn't worry...but this tells me she does!

She had a difficult time remembering names of classmates. I know this was frustrating to her.

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Heidi...good thought...except taylor had no signs of any head trauma or headaches until a couple of weeks before her decline. She played soccer...but never took a ball to the head either. The docs are fairly certain this started from a bacterial infection that spread to her blood. Now...to decide if she has a blood disorder that is keeping the anticoagulant from doing its job.

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Taylor is certainly one that the doctors are much aware of. Even though Salt Lake Primary is a large facility...when I call with questions about her...they are on their toes.

Taylor has a positive attitude that is contagious. She loves to smile, is genuinely happy, doesn't complain about her medication regimen, is trying to keep up with school work, and takes naps as needed.

She will bounce back! Her body just needs to get with the program.

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