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NQR - gotta love those Grandkids...

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I am at our DD house babysitting for a few days. The weather today isn't very nice, so I told our DGDs that we would just stay home and "vegiate" today. The 7 year old looked at me with wide eyes and said......"ALL we are going do is eat VEGETABLES all day ?????" I was laughing so hard I could barely explain that "vegitate" was just a slang term to mean "hang out and do nothing". :P:P:P:P:P

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Kids are so funny!

I love the things that my grandchildren say. Example from a few days ago:

Timmy (4 years old) to his Dad - "I'm hungry. What are we having for dinner?"

Dad: "Baked chicken, mashed potatoes and string beans."

Timmy: "But I don't like string beans."

Dad: "Your sister (5 1/2 years old) loves string beans and so does your little (oneyear old) brother. What can I do to make you like string beans, too? "

Timmy: "Maybe you could bake them."

Dad: "What a great idea. So, if I bake the string beans, you will eat them?"

Timmy: "No, I don't like string beans."

We now call these conversations, "Timmy-isms." :P

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