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I met Lori Hufford!

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Hi! A friend had a message on my machine when I got home from work today that she was at a quilting retreat at a place about 15 min. away from me and that there was a person there from the APQS chat and she would like to meet me... it was our own lorihufford! Lori knew my town from the info on our pictures, so she asked some ladies there, which JUST HAPPENED to be my friends, if they knew a Linda Gibbons!! ha! Isn't that neat!??! Couldn't get ahold of my friend cause cell phones don't work out there, so I just went out! So longer story short... we met and I love her and we talked for I think over an hour... We'd still be talking but I didn't want to keep her from her quilt making too much longer! Here's a pic! It's a little "green" ... the kind of lights they had out there made the picture funny! Lori said she has "retreat hair"! ha! I think she looks cute regardless!! :)


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