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This is for quilting only--it doesn't include thread or sales tax. But I make sure if the size of the quilt means it's under the minimum that they get $50 worth of quilting some how. If they want a meander, they get a step up to semi-custom, etc.:)

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Fabric007...Even though some people charge by the hour for their quilting, many charge by the square inch. That said, a teeny, tiny quilt with custom designs could take many hours, so setting a minimum charge (for people who charge by the sq inch) makes some sense. On the other hand, charging by the hour would solve the issue on these tiny quilts.

Personally, I charge by the square inch and want my time covered, so I enforce a minimum.

I really don't know what the best way to handle these situations is. Lots of "food for thought."

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Originally posted by fabric007

I dont get the set up charge some use...I figure that once I pick up that quilt and start measuring, marking, putting it on the machine etc. the hourly rate should start.... Or am I misunderstanding???

I may be wrong, but the set up charge has nothing to do with setting up the quilt! Usually it covers the intake consultation and the pick up drool-fest. Those happy times really eat up a big hunk of day when you could be quilting.

I don't charge a set-up fee simply because that can be covered by the price-per-inch. But many have shared that they limit the intake/pick-up times to 20 minutes each and after that they start to charge an hourly. If you charge by the hour, perhaps you should add those extra minutes to the fee schedule....just a thought.

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