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I need a Millennium Carriage -- To anyone of you who have upgraded to Bliss? Do you still have your old carriage?

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I have an extra non-Bliss carriage, but I don't have the back axle for it - it came with my show table, but they didn't include the axle/electronics (encoder box and channel lock assy). I could maybe cobble together a back axle from spare parts....

The carriage is yours for the price of shipping, if you want it!;)

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Shana ..... I have an old carriage that came with my Ult. 1 I bought in 2001, I used it on my 02 Millie then upgraded to the shorter carriage. The carriage is longer than the newer carriages....

Not sure if that would be what your want..... If so, I'd send it to you for just the shipping ....

Good luck with your search...

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Whatcha doin'?:)

I'm envisioning Shana making a super-duper skateboard...

Or a method to send Andre his dinner from another room...

Or maybe she is making a "Little Sister" short-arm set-up with a DSM...

That's all I've got...

Inquiring (and nosy) minds want to know!:cool:

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Originally posted by Dave-Jane

And I thought you were going to make a nuclear powered Millie and mount the reactor on the spare carriage--Darn-----grasshopper

OMG! :o Somebody on my super secret spy team has leaked this news... I need to get to the source and throttle their neck. :cool:

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