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Sisters Quilt Show - added some pics

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I just got back from a four day bus trip to the Sisters Quilt Show. Went up with a friend and her quilt group. 48 of us. What a blast. OMG. Loved every minute of the quilts. Hit quite a few quilt stores on the way up. Two that I absolutely fell in love with were The Tater Patch in Merril, OR. and Sew Many Quilts in Bend, OR.

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I was told that it hadn't rained in the 37 years history of the show and look what happened. This thunderstorm struck in the middle of the afternoon and you should have seen people scramble to get the quilts in.

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Looks like great fun, Oma! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Four days of great friends and quilts, sounds like a great time!

Too bad the rain had to dampen the show. Wish they could send some rain to the midwest!

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I loved the thunderstorm. Lots of rain, thunder, lightening, hail and wind, but I was under a shelter so I was enjoying the heck out of. Didn't last more than an hour or so. This is what makes Oregon so green and beautiful. We all know that quilts are washable. They wouldn't hang quilts outside that couldn't be washed.

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Originally posted by DoryJM

Did they put them back out when the storm passed?

No...the storm ran everyone off I guess. We were staying for dinner. The storm started around 3 I think so the show was almost over anyway. The weather was perfect. Low to mid 80's and sunny most of the day and ended with the storm then the sun came back out and all ended well.

I don't think anyone has ever seen all of the quilts in one show and I certainly didn't either, but I tried. I would walk a little ways and sit a little time then walk a little ways all day long. It's a lovely, peaceful, relaxing show. No chaos or drama...just people (lots of people) walking around and enjoying looking at beautiful quilts.

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As simple as this is it is one of my favorites. I love the batiks and the simplicity of it. I think I have a magazine with the pattern in it. One could figure it out pretty easily, but I bought the pattern anyway.

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Another style that I probably wouldn't make, but I appreciate the work involved in it. I could see making this if I made it to honor a special person. Like maybe use all my mother's clothing in the dresses or such. I thought it told a story even if I didn't know the story.

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This one especially. If you look close you will see the house. There is the house and a couple of other big buildings. I would want the one on the right of the house to be my sewing room. I could live there for sure. The mountains are called Sisters. You can see 7 large snow capped mountains from Bend. My son lives in Madras (fifty miles north of there) and his views are phenomenal.

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I have more pics, but my sweet husband just made me dinner so I'm going to go eat. Absence makes them miss you. Poor thing...he told me that he got a taste of what life without me would be like while I was gone. Our phone usually rings off the hook every day all day long and when I was gone it didn't ring once in four days. Thank God for our miniature sheltie or he would have really been lonely. He said even she just walked around the house looking in every room trying to find me. I have a good life.

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Beautiful quilts!!! And I love the action shot of the girl running! Perfect timing! Did you notice if there was a lot of custom quilting as opposed to pantos and computer designed quilts or a combination thereof? Just wondering.

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Originally posted by Della

Beautiful quilts!!! And I love the action shot of the girl running! Perfect timing! Did you notice if there was a lot of custom quilting as opposed to pantos and computer designed quilts or a combination thereof? Just wondering.

I think it was pretty equal. A lot of the quilts just required more custom. It's sad to say that I am a quilter with a LA and I am drawn more to the overall quilt. I want it to be like a picture and my eye is drawn to the composition and color more so than the quilting. Quilting to me is like icing on the cake. I absolutely did NOT see any quilting that could rival any of the quilts that some of our talented ladies and gents have posted on here. Linda Rech's quilting is unequaled. Ardelle's quilts are stunning. Just mentioning two at the moment, but you know what talent there is here.

APQS could do a quilt show of just the talent on this forum and out do any quilt show I've ever seen.

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