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Charging for Shop Samples

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I think you should charge. It seems everyone wants us to give our work away for free. If you were teaching a class, making the sample and keeping it, I think that's a different story.

What would the shop owner say if you came in and asked for free fabric for a quilt you wanted to display in your studio and show your customers to advertise their shop?

What kind of relationship do you have with the shop? Have other LA'ers in the area done the same thing?

I have also sent you a UTU.

Good Luck!

Post pics when you are done!

Great to see you last week.

Joanne Flamand

Artistic Quilt Design

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It's a slippery slope!!;)

If you're happy with your customer list and have a back-log, don't quilt for free or for a discount. If you need business and think placing your cards in the shop and having your name displayed on the quilt as the quilter will bring you new customers, work out whatever deal you think will work for both of you. A discount, a barter, or reciprocal discounts like services-for-fabric. No freebie unless you are a complete newbie and trying to break into the local market.

Please keep in mind that whatever you decide to do, the owner will expect that same deal again. Make sure if it's a one-time deal that the owner knows how generous you are and not to expect it again.

I will add that there are so many new quilters locally, one LQS has taken advantage of the situation and has gotten lots of free work done. I had one acquaintance from guild who called me in tears because this LQS had used her free services and then told her they wouldn't be offering her cards because their "professional quilters" board was full. They would place her cards when there was an open spot. I told her to get a clear vinyl card holder, fill it with cards and have them pin the holder to the quilt. If they didn't like that solution, she should let them know she would bill them for services, explaining nicely that her expectations of some free advertising for free quilting wasn't met. She (very nicely) did just that and amazingly, they found a spot on the "professionals" board for her cards.:P:P;)

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I do them at a discount for a local shop and they are displayed. I'm given credit for the quilting. Sends alot of people my way. You can always say you'll do X number for her at a discounted rate and see how it pans out. Price varies based on the quilting that is done so you're not locked into one rate anyway? Up to you in the end - just make sure you are very comfortable with your decision.

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