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Rainbow Threads by Superior

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Has anyone used this thread with success? I'm having a Rippety Do Da Day with it! I have NO tension on the bobbin - and as tight as I can get it on the top - but it still loops on the back. (I am also using another color in Bottom line in the same quilt - not adjusting the tension and it works fine. ) I can sew along and it goes just perfect...then when I don't check every 2" it does it again. I've gone back to regular tension it's horrible. I start tighting the top gets better (but eventually the thread breaks) I'm going as slow as I've ever quilted - and I'm not happy - Anyone have suggestions?:(

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Use a larger needle, skip some of the holes in the three-hole guide above the tension dial. I often use just one of them with Rainbows, loosen the top tension, use Sewer's Aid, try lightly misting the quilt top (very lightly..you are just eliminating static)...and go slow. If you have hit a ruler with your needle bar, you may need to re-adjust it so the needle eye hits the hook perfectly. It is a rather touchy thread but the look is beautiful. That said...Glide variegated has a lot fewer issues.

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Good suggestions - I took the day off yesterday since I was so frustrated. I wish I had some bottom line to match it. I know that it is the thread's sheen that is causing my frustration. What I don't understand is - the looping on the bottom and the tension is as tight as I have it. I have skipped some holes in the guides. I've loosened it (cause that is what Superior suggests) but the loops come ALL the time - now they happen here and there.

Then when I change to the blue thread I'm fine! I just have to quilt a section - then go back to picking out the loops and redoing sections. Just totaly frustration!

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I think I have it figured out....yesterday (in my frazzled pea brain) that it had to have something to do with the bobbin. So this morning I started checking it out. The thread in the bobbin was NOT tightly wrapped...in places it was loose and laying over. So in my head I'm thinking it hits one of these spots and pulls the top thread to the back! I rewound the bobbin and that seems to be the cure!!!!!!! I'm cruising right along now!

Note to self: WATCH the bobbins wind do not walk away!

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Those bobbins can be touchy. I am glad you got it figured out. Thread problems can be most frustrating. I love Superiors rainbow threads but it does taking some tweaking at times to get them to work friendly with my machine. Thanks for sharing. There is lots of good advice here.

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i've been working with it since wednesday...just finished.

i could only do a bobbin or 2 a day cause it was making me nuts.

until today, when i just whipped out the last 4 bobbins with no breaks.

wish i knew what i did!

i swear sometimes it's cosmic!!!!

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