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NQR~ Stroke Signs! Do you know???

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Yesterday morning my best friend's girls (in college) asked me to come down to stay with their mom while they went to the doctor to have staples removed. She didn't feel well. Of course I said sure, I'll be there in 15 minutes. When I walked in their mom , my best friend, was not "right". I asked her the questions and then raced to the ER. They identified a possible stroke, gave her the medication for stokes that there is only a 3 hour window that it can be given and then transferred her to Jacksonville to the large hospital there, as our local could not provide for all her needs.

I checked this morning and they still have her in ICU but she is doing very well. Please keep her in your prayers,

Her name is Kathy and here is the list you need to know! Hope you all have a very Safe and Healthy New Year!


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Dell so glad that your friend Kathy is doing so good. Fortunate for her that you were called, the Lord does work in mysterious ways. Let her know that the quilting community is praying for a complete and speedy recovery. ((Hugs)) Saundra

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Thanks Heidi and Julie. The girls came by and gave me a report. There is some memory problems and she doesn't remember a lot about yesterday but she is doing good. They did a bunch of test today and should have the results tomorrow. Kathy wants to come home. She is still in ICU. Thanks again for the prayers. Please remember these signs of a stroke so you can help your love ones too!

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Dell, I thank you muches for the FAST list.

I think I'm going to post this on the fridge in the quilt room

and in the bedroom.

At our age, it doesn't hurt to have it handy.

Prayers going up and will continue to do so,

Thanks for being there,


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Dell, how wonderful that God placed you in the right place at the right time and thank you for posting the list. I wish Kathy a quick and complete recovery. Finally, 7 months after my stroke in May, I am not losing words in the middle of sentences and forgetting people, places and things. If she still has memory problems, tell her to just give it time and let her know we are still praying for her.

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