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Virtual Quilt Guild

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Okay, silly question. Since we don't have any quilt guilds aroudn here, and several of you have said there is not one around you. Is there such a thing as a virtual quilt guild? Would such a thing even be possible, where we could all meet through IM or something once a month or so, show off a project, work on charity quilts, etc.

Oh wait, I guess we already do that here don't we?:D

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I'm not the techno-geek in my family (my DH is the geek) but I understand that one can purchase a web cam set up for very little cost, very affordable kits are out there, and I think they are easy to install (i.e. requires no techno-geekiness skills). I am not sure if you can tie in more than one camera (multiple locations). I'm only aware of two cameras talking back and forth together.

Kenna: Hey, if this works and you wanna tie in, pleeeze no "naked quilting" web cam shots, OK? ;)

Hey... I just stepped away and just asked Mr. Geekmeister if this was possible with multiple web cams...he thinks it is possible, and he's gonna check on this for me. So, I'll get back atcha when I find out more...



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LOL! No Shauna, do not fear! There will be no naked quilting here, have to keep those smoking pores covered! Although pajama quilting is very appealing!

Can't you see my business cards with the logo "Quilt Naked!" and my phone number below it? (I can see it now...on bumper stickers, tshirts, coffee mugs, and sweatshirts....:P) Not the kind of business I'd want!

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I belong to a quilt chat room called QuiltChat, a Virtual Quilt Guild so to speak. Is a great place to gather and talk about what projects we are working on and ask any questions if we have problems.

http://www.kathkwilts.com/ this is the url for the homepage and instructions on how to get into chat will also be found on the page.

The room has a group of operators who work very hard to keep the room safe for us quilters.

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Several years ago there was a way that you could hook up a webcam and voice mic and you could talk in real time to whomever you invited into your little chat room...I no longer have that computer or that webcam, I got a new computer, but didn't even hook up the webcam as I no longer had anyone to talk to.

If Shana's Mr. Geekmaster can figuer this out....even if we only can see what is going on in the host's room....we could maybe take turns with that duty.

Webcams are really affordable...cheap ones for as little as $10.00 and the more costly ones for $50.00, but we will need to wait to decide if a speical one is needed to do this...OR if that is something we even want to do. If we all had AIM with AOL or Messenger of MSN we can all be in a chat room and just chat like they are doing on the Quilt Show site... You do not need to have either MSN or AOL to be able to have this service...its a free thing we would just need to decide which we wanted to use. I personally have both as I have friends that are one or the other. If we used this service at least it would be free and no cost output, With this you can also send pictures, but those on dial up those are really really slooooooooooooow.

Just some food for thought.

SheriB----its my job. One must laugh, if not then we only have the crying left...and I prefer to laugh.

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Dang! Y'all just helped me figure out how to get some business. Maybe I need to become Quilt Naked and put up big ol' billboards on the side of the highway. Of course I'd have to get some hot 20 year old blond to pose for the picture and then stick my face in it. Whatdaya think? Would it work? It would sure make the little old quilt guild ladies sit up and take notice, don't you think.

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

I'm not the techno-geek in my family (my DH is the geek) but I understand that one can purchase a web cam set up for very little cost, very affordable kits are out there, and I think they are easy to install (i.e. requires no techno-geekiness skills). I am not sure if you can tie in more than one camera (multiple locations). I'm only aware of two cameras talking back and forth together.

Hey... I just stepped away and just asked Mr. Geekmeister if this was possible with multiple web cams...he thinks it is possible, and he's gonna check on this for me. So, I'll get back atcha when I find out more...

===== Follow up from last night =====

Andre (aka GeekMeister) did some checking and apparently doing multiple locations with webcams so everyone can see each other is tricky (and spendy I think you need something to support what they call a "bridge" to network everyone in) anyway, as SheriB and PennyStreeter mentioned above, you can invite others to the web cam conference, but those invited have only one visual way with the host (kinda like a chat room).

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