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Dawn...? 4 U re: Interchangeable feet, set of 3

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Keep trying ear plugs until you find one that works. We have many at my workplace and I have found the perfect fit of ear plugs for when I share a room with my sister quilter. Not all ear plugs are created equal and the soft foam ones conform; some have more sound barrier than others. They key is putting them into your ear canal correctly and not just poking them in. Use your opposite hand to pull UP on your ear and insert the ear plug that you have twisted and squeezed until it is small. Hold it in place until the foam expands to your ear canal. If you don't put them in correctly then they are useless and sound leaks in all around them. There are different sizes; you can see them all at a place that carries safety supplies. Good Luck! I sleep like a dream with mine in place.

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