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I am ready to scream and thank you Amy

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I have not had my Ultimate 1 working for 3 months. It has been racing, nothing seems to work. I have been working with Amy at APQS, they have tried trouble shooting over the phone and sending new parts right and left. And still not working. When we are done everything will have been replaced once or even twice in some parts. I have learned how to trace wires, sodier on wires, replace ends and the only thing left is learning how to quilt again LOL. Just had to scream, I am jealous of all you quilting :rolleyes:  and I so want to be working on a quilt. I have 5 customers waiting and they have been very understanding about the machine. I have pieced 8 quilts while waiting for parts and machine not working. Thank you for listening, you are the best group of people out there. :wub:


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I was kind of in the same boat as you with my machine and finally decided to take it to the factory since we just live a few hours away.  It took a few days and a second trip to pick the machine up, but Amy worked her magic and my Millie was like a brand new machine.  You may find that sending the machine in is the best solution.  I know how frustrated you must be because I remember my own frustration.  Hang in there.

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Oh my :o  I certainly feel your pain as currently, I am having problems with my Ult11.... however, it is the SR part from Intellistitch, which actually runs the machine.  I am still working on trying to get it up and running again...... :wacko:

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