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Attaching zippers to leaders

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Aside from my pickup leader have wavy edges, I got the zippers on! :P

Something that helped me, that might help someone else who doesn't have a helper, is I put a heavy bead of Roxanne's glue baste it on the zipper and then pinned til it dried. Then I took the pins out and was able to sew them on. Not a pretty straight line, but they're attached!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Lani - since I see you did your zippers by yourself how did you attach the zipper to the backing bar? I haven't tried the glue baste but I am! I have broken 2 needles trying to sew the zipper on. The leader keeps moving away even though I am hanging on to it! I have it clamped on the sides but it is very slack in the middle.

Does the glue baste help with that?


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Hi Laurie,

I glue basted and pinned the zippers to the leaders until the glue dried then took the pins out and stitched from the center out in each direction. My stitch line isn't straight, but the zippers are attached. You kinda have to hold the zipper/leader with one hand and move the machine with the other. I used the stitch regulator.

Good luck;)


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Thanks. I did end up using the basing glue AND I broke 7 needles in the process. I don't think I was holding the fabric securely enough or moving the machine fast enough but it seems every time I got the foot a little close to the teeth - bam! the needle would break. I did the take up roller just fine but the backing roller was a whole different story.

I don't think I will be using the machine to sew the top fabric zippers on.

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I had the same problems as you with the broken needles on the 1st zipper, but once I got the 1st one on, the others were easier. I pinned the top zipper to the top leader and then zipped that to the take up zipper. This held everything in place, so there was no shifting while sewing the top zipper. I also used the extended base and that added a little stability to everything.

Hope this helps.


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Did the broken needles affect your timing or stitching? My stitches are good but I think I have a "noise" now that I didn't have. I may need to make a call in to the service people.......

Good idea about the base! I didn't even think of that. Dang.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I bought mine at www.lequilters.com

They cost 7.95 each for a 12 foot table (126"). I mail ordered a dozen and got them in three days. (I put in my order with a live person.) Their customer service is great.

I found the basting glue, but in the end, I just used a basting stitch and basted them on before sewing. The first one was the best, when I used the singlestitch, but it took the longest.

Note to self: remember to use the center mark on the first zipper by marking the second half, then zipping it to the new leader zipper and transferring the marking. Zipping to transfer means that each half of any zipper has the exact same center mark. To baste, I just held the leader and the zipper together by hand and just pinned at either end and the middle. I basted from the middle out, then basted back and kept going to the other end and finished in the middle.

Then I put zippers on some fabric and loaded it up, stretched it tight and put down the horizontal lock. The fabric seemed off, but I fussed with the rollers, and it straightened out. Interestingly enough, the leader zippers didn't wave while they were basted, but got a slight wave after they were sewn. Go figure. The wave doesn't affect the proper loading of the quilt.

I didn't sew up to the edge, but kept my hopping foot as close to the zipper as I could without getting onto it. It put the stitching into the reinforced part of the zipper, anyway.

I used a really heavy Nymo beading thread, and the zippers would have held just fine with the basting.

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