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We've met new friends

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Hi to all who attended, and to those who weren't able to attend the friendly gathering in Portland today. I for one had a great time, met some lovely people, men and women, and learned so much!

Pat Noonan will be posting the pictures she took, so look for those, and mark your calendars now for the next gathering. April 22, 2007 (Earth Day) at 2pm at Heart To Hand Quilt Shop. 4823 SE Division, Portland, OR. We've decided that if you want to bring tools or books or whatever that you don't use any more to bring them for a swap meet.

Please bring show and tells, tools that you love and anything else you can think of.

Please join us next time, we had a great time!


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Hi Beth---

What a great time and what great people! We were gabbing so much when we left today, I forgot to thank you (and Wendy) for the hospitality. You have a very nice shop and next time I'm in Portland I will definitely stop-and-shop! A great time was had by all and we got to see Chuck's quilt in person! Hope to see you again in April.

Linda Rech

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Hi all. I think Miguel and I forgot to say goodby to everyone. It was so good to finallyput faces to names and to see Pat and Bill again. Beth thank you so much for your hospitality. Miguel said on the way home what a wealth of information and help we were to each other and glad he was we had done this.

I have to tell you all who weren't able to be there, the Chuckster's quilt is even more impressive in person.!!!!

Look forward to the next meeting anxiously. Linda thank you for bringing all the ulers for show and tell. That was fun and so informative. I loved seeing all the beautiful work that is being done by everyone. Pat your blue and yellow quilt surely deserves a ribbon and Nancy your quilts were so pretty. Beth does exquisite hand quilting and thanks for the lesson on those little 3" hexagons.

Linda S in Eugene we hope you are doing better and will be able to drive up in your car that seems to have jet engines you make it in such short time:P. Patty we hope you can make the next one too.

Beth be sure and let Wendy know how much we all appreciate the space and her shop.

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Hi all - YES what a great time. I hope that more LA'rs the area can make the next gathering. I'll get my pictures off of the camera tomorrow - too tired tonight to try and master them tonight. Thanks again Beth for getting us all together, and to Wendy too for letting us use her shop. It was good to meet everyone and to see Bekah & Miguel again (we both bought our machines at the same time from Linda A in Corvallis). Well, I'm off to ZZZZZ's land. I'll try and post those pictures in the morning. Goodnight.

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Guest Linda S

Oh, I'm so glad you all had a good time and I look forward to seeing the photos. I wanted to come but had a bit too much going on here. My sleep study got postpone till Thursday, but still had too much to do. I won't be able to come up in April either -- I'll be returning to Eugene from MQX and Cape Cod on the 22nd and will be a bit too jet lagged to drive to Portland. Maybe sometime this summer?


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How happy I am to read all these this morning. It's almost as if I'd been there. But not quite..... It's a good thing I stayed home as my DS would never have finished his mountain of homework from having been sick a week. And my DD would never have gotten herself home from her Venturing activity - the girl who gave her a ride didn't know Tualatin, and my DD couldn't tell her how to get to her own house!! So numerous phone calls before she got home. Ya'd think at 16 they know their way home, LOL!

I'm just going to have to hop over the water and visit you, Beth, if you don't mind. I could find your LQS at some appointed time, or something. Of course, I'd LOVE to get my hands on your machine, LOL, but I'm afraid if I did I'd never let go. :D

I've saved the next date on my calendar, barring someone's mother needing immediate assistance again, of course, or something like that. Yay! I'll get to the next one!

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I also had a great time meeting everyone on Sunday and putting faces to names. Am so looking forward to April.

It was everything that I was hoping for.

Great new friends. lot's of show and tell and helpful suggestion.

Thanks again to Chuck for the info on the Hartley Fence, Now maybe I'll give it another try.

Maxine Gregory

Hillsboro, Or


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A big amen from me. Such wonderful, friendly people. Everyone so happy and so willing to share the little secrets that make quilting easier. And three, yes three husbands came along. I know they are anxious to start into the quilting experience. Chuck is just so talented, but let's not forget the gorgeous quilt of his partner!!

I am so looking forward to April. Patty, I'll meet you at the LQS when you go meet Beth. I want to meet you too and we don't have to wait until April. If you want to go across 2 rivers, you can play on my machiine anytime <lol>I have such a list of LQS to visit now. I am really excited, can you tell??

I for one am signing up for the bus to Sisters. It would be so much more fun to go with a group of quilters than driving over by myself.

See y'all in April!


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Hi all - yes I think there is a problem. The picture was there (took me most of yesterday morning to get it there) and last evening, it was gone. I always seem to have problems with posting pictures here. I've just edited my previous post and now the picture is up again. Don't know what I do wrong, all the instructions that you are all so kind to send to me never seem to work with the software that came with my camera. I'm stumped. Never seems to work twice the same way. Oh well, for now the picture is back up.

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Ok, now I see pictures, hurray!!!!!:D

Pat, thank you so much for posting that picture! I love you all on first sight. Seems like I should post a pic of myself, to be fair, eh? Or maybe I'll wait till I see you at your shop, Beth, and also Nancy. Yay! You all look so very friendly, I know I've picked the right profession at last! ;)

I thought at first those were pictures of your quilts, but now I think that's the quilt shop's quilts, eh? Are there any pics of your show and tell stuff?

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Hi Patch - glad that you like the picture. Yes we took pictures of the show and tell, but after a 2 hr hairpulling event yesterday to get the one picture up on the site, I think I may be bald to post them all!! :P:o:mad: I'll print them off and bring them to the next meeting in April - there how's that for a teaser!! And yes, those are the shop's quilts.

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That happens to be a knitted sweater that Mary is wearing. She knitts but that is not one of her works.

The attached pictures are of her quilted jacket. She is a very wonderful quilter. She sewed for our daughters when they were small. She like a lot of others never makes clothes anymore. She loves to piece, do red work, and give me the quilting. She does some quilting on her DSM. She is my inspiration.




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Ah... beautiful work! Thanks for posting those, Chuck. Sounds like you two make a great team. More power to you! I think if more couples sewed together more couples would stay together, LOL! Or maybe not...... :D

Tell Mary I think she is an inspiration. I would like to learn what she does.

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Chuck, thank you for posting Mary's jacket. it is beautiful. Of course, it is purple so it could be the most horrible job of sewing in the world and it would still be beautiful .LOL

Pat the pictue is wonderful Thank you for your hard work in getting it to post.

we are a wonderful looking bunch don't you think?:D

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Thanks so much for posting the front and back of Mary's absolutely stunning quilted jacket. Wow, beautiful piecing. Major eye candy. That took A LOT of work to do. And are those prairie points I see on the back? I think Mary incorporated almost every block I can imagine. It is awesome, very well balanced. Super classy. WOW!

OK, I think I'm running out of adjectives so I better quit...;)


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