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A great trade!

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I have a fellow quilter in the area who has Parkinson's. She asked me to help her put a quilt top together. She had most of the blocks finished but was having trouble completing it. I told her I would be happy to help her, to just come on over when she was having a good day. She didn't need to even bring a sewing machine as mine are always set up. Long story short, we spent a number of days over several months when she felt up to the task and finished the top. Then she asked if I would quilt it for her and take some of her quilting stuff she no longer uses in trade for the fee. I told her that was fine. I never charged for the "help" as I was happy to help her. I also gave her a discount on the quilting. The Parkinson's makes life and sewing difficult for her.

I was floored when she called me after the quilt was done and delivered, to come to her house and see what she planned on giving me in exchange. She handed me a cutting system she felt was too complicated for her to use. Then she gave me a large shape cut and a brand new Accuquilt Go, yes, the big one. She decided it was too much trouble for her to use. I told her I couldn't possible take all that in exchange as she didn't owe me anywhere near what the value of the items totaled. The shape cut alone was close enough. She insisted I take it as she didn't know anyone else that could use it and she didn't want to donate it to make room in her sewing area.

Holy Cow! I even offered to pay her! She wouldn't hear of it! Well, so far I've spent about $200 on dies and a wheeled tote! I told her I would be happy to cut anything she ever needed. I'm going to make time to do a thread painting for her to help even things out! I'm pretty sure she won't turn that down as she loves that type of art. I'm still in shock!!!! I still feel weird. The trade was way too much in my favor.

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Hi MerryJo,

You can't put a price on what you did for this woman.

Tying up loose ends is a big deal when you have an illness such as Parkinson's.

Having a patient hand to help her with this task was invaluable to her, I'm sure.

I'm happy this turned out so well for you, and I think giving her a piece of your work is a lovely idea.

Enjoy your new toys!

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Merry Jo, that's karma for you ;)  You helped out with a loving and generous spirit, and it came back full fold through her loving and generous spirit [[[hugs]]]  I'm sure as Heidi said, she is thrilled the items found a home where they will be enjoyed.  So you are both blessed today!

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You helped her when she needed it and she was happy to give you those things!  You can still help her occasionally in the future, when she needs it. Feel good about it if you can. It is awesome!  She is probably very happy that someone who will really use those things has them now. I love my Go and use it often.  It is so quick to cut out a quilt that you can do that for her in the future.  That would make her feel that she can continue to quilt, with a little help from her friend.

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