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questions regarding my problems with my Millie

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I am sure this has been addressed, but I have a very large quilt that I want to get done and get it done without problems.  I am using the same thread (So Fine) that I have used on some of my other quilts, the tension is great, but it keeps fraying on me. I kept re-threading and finally decided to change the needle.  Still having a bit of a problem with that...AND....why can I sew several rows without a problem and then all of a sudden the machine won't "quit" sewing when I push a button for it to stop?  That in itself is very frustrating.  It will continue to sew but much slower.  It takes another 20 or so stitches and then finally quits (all the while I am pushing buttons to try and get it to stop).   I just want it to stop.  But then the next time it works just fine. 

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Regarding the shredding problem--if you can, next time it does this, take the shredded end along the threading path to see where the shredding is happening. Since you've changed the needle, it's possible a groove or burr on the pigtail above the needle is causing the fray. If you don't have a replacement pigtail, loosen the screw and turn it upside down to offer a smooth spot until you can order a new one. Order several.

Slather on some Sewer's Aid to help the thread run smoothly.

Your stopping problem is outside my knowledge. Stitching after stopping can be remedied by adjusting the #8 screw under the hood. But I've not seen where it takes so many stitches after stopping.  Amy or Dawn may see this and offer more insight.

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The grooves in the pigtails are usually caused by invisible thread--especially a heavier one like Monopoly. Another culprit can be a burr on the needleplate hole. Run a piece of nylon/pantyhose through all the usual suspects and you'll immediately tell if there is a rough spot. 

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call us on Monday...we can help! every machine, even new ones, need an adjustment to the needle positioner at some point. For some it happens fairly soon after the machine arrives at your home since the electrical variances can affect it. You'll find instructions on adjusting your needle positioner in the "complete" manual you received on a computer CD with your machine. This video can help, too:




As for the shredding, try a different cone of thread. It's possible to get a bad spot even in a cone that's previously been successful. If you've already tried that, then check your pigtail thread guides for burrs. We check each one in the factory during extensive sew off to ensure that they are smooth, but just in case one has a small burr that was missed, it could be causing the problem. To check for the burrs, grab the thread above and below one of the guides, and then slide it around inside the guide like you're flossing your teeth. If you catch on something inside the guide, loosen the screw holding the guide and turn it slightly so that the rough spot isn't near the thread. Then let me know so I can send you a new guide to replace it.



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Thank you Dawn. I do have a 2013 Millie.  I didn't get home from work in time to give these things a try and still call today, so I plan on trying out a few things with some help from my husband. If I am still having a problem,  I will try and call tomorrow after work.  I will check the pigtail, change my cone of thread (although this is a different cone and I find it hard to believe that I would have two bad ones in a row) and I will check the needle up/down thing (which by the way, I haven't been able to do just half a stitch for a little while). I have to click that button twice quickly to take one whole stitch so that I can bring up my bobbin thread, so this might be part of the problem. Anyways, I appreciate the help.  Hopefully this will take care of the problem.  I'll keep you posted.   

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My 2013 millie would take off stitching and wouldnt stop at the most inappropriate and random times. I had to unplug her to get her to stop stitching. Amy had me pull off the front and back covers and wrap the wide ribbon cable with electrical tape - in case the metal case had rubbed a short in the cable. That didnt make her quit running/stitching away. So next step was to take off the back cover and remove the two control boards, and tweak (squash) the pins together on each cable that connects the two boards. It was an easy fix and solved my problem. Hope you find your answer quickly. :-)

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 Yeah......I am back to quilting.  DH and I got down there tonight and made the adjustment to the needle up/down screw and all is working well.  The thread shredding even quit.  I checked to make sure there were no burrs in either pigtail and the needle plate hole and there were none.  While the needle plate was swiveled out of the way, I blew that out for dust (could that be the reason for shredding?).  There wasn't much of anything in there.  So I have been sewing away tonight.  Thank you all for your help.  I so appreciate it.  Now if only someone could invent a bobbin that held a full cone of thread.  

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