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Update on Son in law with brain surgery

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I just wanted to thank everyone for your prayers and give you all an update on our son in law Adam.

Adam was released from the hospital on the 23d of December and our daughter brought him home to their house in Charlotte, NC

They stayed the night there and on Christmas eve day, My husband drove Adam to our home in Charleston, SC in his car so it would

be a little quieter than in the car with our daughter and two grand children.

They made it in time to enjoy Christmas eve together and get settled in for the holidays.  Adam seemed pretty weak and in a lot of pain for the first

week or so.  Today Adam, Tanya and the baby have gone back to Charlotte to his one week recheck appt., he will be getting the staples out of his

head and checked over to see that he is healing well.  I am very happy with his progress.  I believe that he will make a full recovery, however, I am

very nervous about the fact that he still insists that he will be going back to let them try this surgery again, as nothing was accomplished from all of his

first surgery. For now I think he will be just fine and hopefully will even be able to go back to work within a few weeks time. 

Again thank you all so much for your prayers for Adam and our whole family.  It was a very scary time and I know the prayers from everyone is what got

us all through this ordeal!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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I'm glad you updated us Jeanne.  I'll keep you all in my prayers for continual improvement.  It's too bad nothing was accomplished but it's good he's not afraid to try again.  I don't know that I could be so brave, but until we're in those shoes we don't know.

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