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Is anyone going to Paducah?  Barb (Fastquilts) and I are going.  We will get there Wed night and leave Sat.  I am actually excited about going! I am also going to St Louis for a few days at the end of this month.  I am going to keep pushing myself to keep from crawling back into that black hole I was in for almost 2 years.


I was cleaning in my bedroom today and I took the quilt that my APQS friends made us down from the closet shelf to look at. I remembered the huge smile it brought to Elmer's face and how he enjoyed wrapping up in it for his naps.  He said the love and compassion that went in to it from your hands came out to keep him warm and safe. It was not something he wanted to share either!


The ICU staff wouldn't let me put the quilt on him but I slept under it for the 28 days we were there. The quilt came in the ambulance with us when they said I could bring Elmer home to die.  We put the bed in the living room so our kids and his family could be close and I was able to sleep curled up beside him that night and the next for the first time in almost a month.  We had our last 2 nights together under that quilt made with love, compassion and warmth and it kept us safe. It's odd how I knew it would be ok to close my eyes and sleep ... I knew Elmer was dying but I also knew nothing would happen while we were asleep under the quilt. We had 2 full nights before he died. 


I had put the quilt away after he died because the memories were just too hard. It is on my bed tonight and I look forward to crawling in and pulling that quilt up under my chin. It's time to put the "love" quilt back in use!


Thanks to all my APQS family for listening when I needed to talk ... for talking when I just needed to listen and for ALWAYS trying to help me deal with the painful parts of that journey.  

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Cheri, that is wonderful, healing news and brings tears to my eyes . I did put love into every stitch I put into the block and binding; and I know every one else did, to . You made my day. God bless you, Cheri. I don't get to go to Paducah but it is definately on my list of things to do.

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Cheri...it's great to see you back here & hear you're getting stronger.

Paducah with Barb sounds like a terrific idea. It's on my list, but not this year.

Make sure to enjoy...I'm sure Elmer would want that for you.

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That sounds great Virginia. We couldn't find a room in town so we are staying at Kenlake state park in the lodge.  I LOVE the state resort parks in Kentucky so I am looking forward to that almost as much as the show! I have stayed at almost all of them but never Kenlake.  The rates were just awesome too  (more $$$ to spend at the show).

I know it will be fun.

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