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Some advice, please

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I  just loaded a quilt on my Millie and was already to go when I read on Facebook one of the APQS tutorials on backings.....one of which was using batiks.  I have a batik loaded.  Now it suggested loosening up the backing before sewing.  Do you  have any other advice before I start this?   I was sure hoping not to run into any problems with this quilt as the top has a lot of seams (it is a mix of regular cotton fabrics and batiks). 

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I have a 110" x 110" batik on the frame now.  The quilt top is a Glacier Star so multiple seams.  I spray my backing lightly with water as I put it on, I do that for all backings.

It is not causing me any problems and I am rolling back and forth numerous times.  Pinning all the unquilted areas.

Yes the needle is making a different noise but I am used to that.

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Use it all the time. Don't treat it any different. If you find it giving you a little more trouble with the needle piercing it I spritz it with a little water if needed. But usually only when I load to get rid of creSes. But I do that with all my backs. A new needle before and after might be my only suggestion.


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