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swag border, but no templates. How do I do this?

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I've got a quilt with a lovely hand applique on the border that wraps around opposing corners.  I'd love to do a swag, but can't quite figure out what to use without a template.  Also, what do I do when I get to the corners that don't have the applique?  I think I'll go back down and grab a couple of photos of the loaded quilt, and just think on it for a while.


Thanks for suggestions!

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Hi Beth. Do a rough sketch of how many sections you think will look right and also how deep you want to swags to fall toward the edge of the border. When you have a graceful arrangement, you can eyeball and hand-draw the (maybe three?) swags, using a compass or any large circular item.  Or make some big circle segments out of paper by folding a square three times and cutting an arc out of the pointy corner. Use the appropriate circle to fill between lines that descend from the swag ends. When you get the three sections to your liking, trace the lines and cut out templates from paper to use to mark each segment. 


As for turning the corner, you options would be having the swags meet at the corner, or having them swing around the corner. Meeting at the corner is easier and makes measuring out the segments easy to do. Then you'll need something to hang down like the swags to fill the corner space. You could stitch ribbon ends fluttering around and filling the space. Or you could stitch three lines to match the three swag lines, which balloon out in a big teardrop shape three times to help turn the corner. They could be proportionally larger/longer than the swags to fill the diagonal space of the corner. 

If you want the swags to swing around the corner, use the distance of half a swag on either side of the corner and stitch the three lines from those points. Again, you may want to make templates so the two corners match. 


When making these free-drawn templates, I use the paper that comes inside the roll of Warm batting since it's plentiful and sturdy. When I get the shape I think I can use, I refine it by folding in half to cutting a half-arc. It's then symmetrical and if I'm off, I can start again.

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I have decided to borrow my brother's law school coffee mug.  "Excuse me professor?  May I be excused?  My brain is full." 


I am taking a break now, getting stupid, and way to close to the white quilt top with a ball point pen for my liking. Linda, thank you as always for your marvelous suggestions.  I think I get what you are saying, but can't quite wrap my brain around it right now.  I've got pins marking the correct spacing for the border of the photo that follows.  I don't want to even try to wrap around the corner, so had already planned on doing something different there.


My thought is to start at the edge of the flower that reaches closest to the open area, and start the swags there.  Also, that divides nicely into 9" spaces.  By the way, the plan is to do a feather meander in the rest of the quilt top.  I think that it screams for heirloom, but she's not willing to go for that on a quilt that she doesn't really like. I'd also love to use wool batt, but she's provided warm and natural.  Her quilt, she gets to do what she wants with it.




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Beth, Tracey Browning of Constantine Quilts has a you tube video you may find helpful in determining how to fit a swag in a border. I tried to copy and paste the link here but it isn't working. If you go to you tube and type in her name, the video is called "Swag Border Using Templates - part 1." 

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  • 3 weeks later...

My eye is screaming for a slight outline of the flowers, with straight lines, going up and down, and/or across...


on the outside of the flower and vines.. Inside, I think i'd go largish cross hatch, straight line or diagonal.. I don't

think I'd go curved. 


Another option in the center would be rays out to the pieced blocks, skip over and continue.. or go right through them.


So many options..  of course you could outline the applique and do the tighter meander in it or loops and flowers.


Gee my brain is working for me this morning.


I hope I helped someone.. lol,  :P



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