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funny things

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Last night I was quilting away using the Baptist fan template, moved the machine back to the beginning, and lo and behold, there was a nut and washer lying on my template. Had to shut the machine off and look everywhere in case it belonged to something special. I still have no idea where they came from, I guess instead of rain drops on my head I get nuts and washers on my table, LOL.

Then I got cold so I put a flannel shirt on, I was merrily quilting away when i couldn't move the machine any direction, went to turn around to unplug the beasty so I could figure out what was wrong, and I couldn't move either way either. I had managed to get the bottom of my shirt caught in my wheels as the moved down the table. It took a little while to get myself all untangled. I was so glad no one was around to see my stupidity. But good news, the tension gremlin seems to still be afraid of me.

have a good day my family and may all your stitches be full of joy

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Well, I gotta say that it's a good thing that our Long Arm Machines don't come with a "LAM CAM" (LAM = Long Arm Machine) and if these machines did come with a LAM CAM, we'd all be in a world of hurt == fodder for America's Funniest Home Videos or UTube or another not-so-flattering video show. :P;)

Let's just say that "What happens in Shana's quitling room stays in Shana's quilting room..."

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Since I don't have my machine, (YET), I can chip in with a handquilting story. I've stitched myself to more than one quilt! Build up a big enough callous on the underneath fingers and you can't even feel it until you go to move your hand and there you are! Had to frog myself!

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I have sewn into my quilt a pair of scissors and a seam ripper in two different areas the same quilt....have also sewn my sleeve to the quilt, but I wasn't as lucky as Lisa, I couldn't wiggle out of my shirt. I had a studio in a row of industrial shops and I was in the window with my machine and two many people to be able to strip down. Now if it had been after hours I would have just popped out of it, but decided to just frog until I was loose.

There are some things that men and small children just shouldn't be exposed to.

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What a show that could have been:P:D You could have changed the name of your business and even created a NEW business...maybe!

I have quilted over a seam ripper, then broke the tip off in the batting between all the quilting and didn't know all of this until I had rolled the quilt. But, knock on wood...I have not stitched myself in yet!

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Remember Mary Beth I was living in Reno, NV at the time....and yes that new Business is legal there (next county over).

Besides a totally funny story....my telephone number that I had at my studio had at one time been someone's who was in that type of business.;) I use to get at least 3 -5 calls a day for Patricia....now that girl was making money, often thought I was in the wrong line of business.:P:D

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Take a look under your spool pin to make sure the nut is still on there. Ages ago we too found a nut on the floor, at the time never found what it went to. Then our spool pin started wobbling like a top and Low and Behold! it's just sitting there in its hole without a nut on it. Now if we could just remember where we put that darn nut we could get them back together again.


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I will check the spool pin. so far they are just hanging out on my table.

what fun things everyone is posting here, makes my poor little shirt tail look pretty tame but that is okay I know I don't want to have to strip down. That would not be a pretty sight I can assure you.:P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure how this happened, something to do with a glass of wine, late hours and a little too much talking. But my mother in law sewed through her finger on her regular sewing machine. So anytime she has wine we tell her she's not allowed to drink and sew. She laughs about it. Wish I had been there.


Red Leaf Quilting

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These stories are so funny. I'll tell one on myself. One night I was in my quilting room, alone in the house. I walked across the room to cut something and could sense some movement behind me. I stopped and looked back...nothing. I repeated this two or three more times, walking back and forth across the room, then I looked back while I was moving and there was this black furry "thing" chasing me. I took off running through the house, screaming, with the thing chasing me..I was sure it had horrendous teeth to take a big bite of me. I jumped up on the bed and the thing jumped too....and then I got suspicious. I put my glasses on and....it was DH's sock attached to my shoe with a strand of monofilament thread....and it wasn't furry, just blurry because I didn't have my glasses on!!! I've never even told this to my family...they already think I'm bonkers LOL!!!

Lynne in Ann Arbor:D

Then I got cold so I put a flannel shirt on, I was merrily quilting away when i couldn't move the machine any direction, went to turn around to unplug the beasty so I could figure out what was wrong, and I couldn't move either way either. I had managed to get the bottom of my shirt caught in my wheels as the moved down the table. It took a little while to get myself all untangled.

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Okay I see its confessional time.

About 3 years ago when I was getting very little sleep and what sleep I was getting wasn't a good deep sleep I did something I too haven't told my family.

I was rushing to get a quilt delivered back to the LQS and was running about 2 hours later than what I told them I would be there....stitches didn't lay flat and there was frogging involved to make thing worse the phone wouldn't stop ringing...finally got the quilt done threw it into a bag and was rushing out the door when I realized I couldn't find my cell phone. My cell phone was my life in those days and I wouldn't leave the house till I found it....So I called it...it rang behind me so off I went that direction to find it...the ringing stopped couldn't find it anywhere...called it again....its behind me again, but I'm not in the same angle as I was before, still can't find it...but go that direction to see if I can hear it over there.....CALLED it a third time, still behind me, but still in a different direction as the other two times.

By this time I know I'm tired, my plans for the rest of the day were to come home and put my feet up and get some rest...but where in the world did that silly thing go...Okay one more time....called it and its still behind me...well I give up and as I seem to do when I'm flustered I put my hands in my back jeans pockets.....yep, that's where it was in my back pocket.....

So now when I can't find it...I look there first before I call it.

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Okay, this is another cell phone blooper...

We had a tornado destroy several areas here about 4 years ago. So when the dust settled some of the people from my office went out and helped clean up (I worked at a church). At some point I had turned off the ringer on my phone and had it on vibrate. We found an elderly man that needed help cleaning trees out of his yard. We had several brush piles going when I realized I had lost my phone:o A guy from our office started helping me look around, then the whole group was looking. We took anotiher cell phone and called my phone and then we were walking around the yard, bending over each brush pile "listening" for my phone to vibrate!!:P:D:P I can only imagine what the neighbors thought....I found it:cool:

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