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Everytime we drive by I tell my DH that I want pictures of that barn. This time as we passed I said it again...he slammed on the brakes and almost sent me flying...he said "No time like now". My son is friends with the people that live there, he said that people stop all the time to take pictures. Next time I am down my son is taking me there to take pics of the inside. His friend's wedding reception was held there.

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That is truly cute. Thanks, Mary Beth! And yes, I could very much see quilts hanging all around there. What a great idea! Now just win the lottery and it can be yours, then we can all meet there as it's the middle of the country (he's in Kansas too, yes?), and you'd have yourself a quilters ho-down!

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No, no, no....not Kansas...Missouri!! Everyone always thinks Kansas City is Kansas - Most of the good part of Kansas City is Missouri...(Hope that doesn't sound bad!) MQS is in Overland Park, KS - which is a good part of Kansas. The Kansas City Royals - Missouri, The Kansas City Chiefs - Missouri, if we get a hockey team - Missouri....Me - Missouri....see, all good things, Missouri!!;)

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Oh, LOL! You're right, I did that! Sorry about that. Ok, so you live in Misery. Oops! Missouri, that is... Well, that's KINDA in the middle, ain't it? Anyway, you should own that cute barn and hang quilts all over it in MISSOURI if you like. Would be a GREAT advert!

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That's a very neat barn. You'll share pictures of the inside, right? I've always wanted to live in a barn or a church -- something besides a traditional house.

Yep, there are lots of good things and lots of good people in Missouri! :)

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I think it would make not only a great house, but what a interesting Quilt store....might need to open up the windows a bit, but what a neat building. I've seen round ones, but never a 6 sided one. I agree need to see the inside. I keep forgetting to tell you I have a nephew that lives in the Kansas City, MO area....

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Hi Mary Beth,

Yes, I agree that barn is really cool. I also like barns. On TV I saw some interesting buildings that were renovated into great homes, such as light houses, gate houses (that look like mini castles), earth ships (in New Mexico), one was in a cave - no air conditioning needed in the summer, and now I can't remember the others that I was going to write here. Another senior moment!

I would love to see pictures of the inside of "your" barn. What a great home or even a terrific quilt shop it could become!!!


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Mary Beth,

Very cool! I like the weathered look; it has so much character. Looks like that thing was built to last for centuries. I'll bet that barn would never blow away in one of your infamous tornado storms!!! It could serve not only as a great spot for wedding reception, but an emergency shelter, too? ;) Just kidding (kinda...lol) Thanks for sharing.

PS: If you ever did talk DH into moving in a barn this size, you could fit the whole family in there. That thing is huge!

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Mary Beth,

You would like the Round Barn here in Oklahoma. Its located on Route 66 and is a landmark in the state. Before I-40 we had to pass it to go from Oklahoma City to my grandparents in a little town called Tryon. Everytime we passed it my Dad told a story about a man that died there. Unfortunately, I can't tell it on the forum.

The barn was about to fall down, but about twenty years ago it was restored The downstairs is a souvenir shop now. The second floor is used for dances. However, when we visited it there was no air conditioning and in the middle of August it was miserably hot up there. I wouldn't want to dance there.

If you go to this website: http://www.theroadwanderer.net/66Oklahoma/arcadia.htm you can see pictures of it and some history. But it doesn't tell my Dad's story.


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I'm clueless too, so I hope someone will explain.

When I saw the picture, I thought quilting studio. Bet you wouldn't run out of room in that building. I'm already out of room and don't even have a 6' x 8' quilt basting table. (I've been watching Pam Clarke's pin basting video.)

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Well, I can try to tell it, but it may get bleeped (@#%$).

Here is the story as told by my dad.

"A man died in that barn. It seems that he ran himself to death trying to find a corner to pee in."

Of course, he used a different "p" word than I did.

When I was little I thought it was true and couldn't figure out why he didn't just go to the house next door. I finally realized it was a joke when I got into my teens. Okay, I was on the naive side, and my family didn't use such words, so when my daddy said it, I believed it. He told that story so many times that everytime we got near the barn, I knew he would tell it. The last time I was with him and we passed the barn he still told it with an ornery little grin on his face. Of course, by then he was in his seventies and I was in my forties. I know its not much of a story, but when I see a round barn I always think of my dad. I sure miss that grin of his. :(


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LOL! That is such a guy joke! I thought for sure it was a real person that died in that round barn and you were referring to some wild west type of story! The pee in the corner story is much better.... ROTFLOL! I remember when I was a little girl, my dad told me a few "tall tales" and I thought they were all true. Then, I figured out eventually he was pulling my leg. Believe it or not, there is a round barn up the road from me here in North Pole. Next time DH and I drive by, I'll have to tell him that I read in the paper recently that a guy died in that round barn and see what he says... (I'll try to keep a straight face). :P

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My too, LOLOLOL!!! No wonder you thought you couldn't tell it! Hahahah! That's great, and I think your memory is wonderful of your dad. Reminds me of my dad, except he was muzzled by my mom so wouldn't have told it quite that way.... :D

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