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DD update

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Thought I would let you know, Jen is doing better. She has her moments, but for the most part she is experiencing a normal pregnancy. Tried to talk to her yesterday about the child birth process :D:P She put her hand up (as if to say "talk to the hand") and informed me that there would be drugs involved!! I tried to tell her that things are so much better now, yada yada!! She is not falling for it. I think she thinks she has been through enough. We will be finding out on June 21 what the sex of this little one is - that also happens to be my birthday :)


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Does she really want to know? I kinda of like the see what you get when the baby is born. I had two girls which I am most thankful for cuz I didn't think I could handle a boy.:) But, I would have taken what ever was born to me and be most grateful for a healthy one.:)

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Oh, yes, she doesn't really care what she has, she just wants a healthy baby above all else. She is just worried she will have a teenager like she was....it just makes me smile. I'm thinking pink...her DH would like to have a boy....after all the problems they say this will be the only one....we will see. She says since this is the only child she will have, she wants to do the nursry up right and so that is why she wants to know what it is. I didn't know what either one of mine where...because 26 years ago in Springfield we didn't have the technology to know. We've come along way baby!!

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With my first I waited until the birth and I told my doctor that I didn't want any drugs during labor, she told me that is what all first time moms to be say then they change their mind in the middle of labor then it's too late to give the drugs. Lucky for me she ordered an epidural for me just in case I wanted it and sure enough I did and I was glad that I had a wise doctor!!!

After that I had an epidural with all of the rest of my pregnancies. The baby is not harmed in any way by the drug, it may slow down the contractions a little but if the anesthieologists plans it at the right time(based on how far along you are dilated wise) it won't matter as much. When it comes time to push they will stop the epidural flow so you can feel when to push. Also comes in handy if they need to do an emergency C-section since you are already numb.


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Mary Beth even if they tell you its a girl don't count on it. My sweet little boy was to be a girl, 2 techs 99% sure, 10 days before he was born 100% sure it was a boy. To late switched the older kids rooms so the girls could have the larger bedroom. Garage saled and loaded up on cute pink frills. My father had suddenly passed when I was 7 mths along, put a pink rosebud in his arms. Cried for 2 hours when I found out, not about having a boy but that Dad thought it was a girl. God was so good, gave me the vision of seeing my Dad, Uncles, Grandpas sitting on a cloud and laughing about how that little one hid it well. So I never recommend finding out by ultrasound unless they are at least 7 months along.

Just my experience. By the way still pray for my little boy Daniel, were still trying to figure out what is going on physically. Thanks.

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I'm betting it's a boy. I had the most annoying morning sickness with mine, but almost none with my girl. Tell you don't get them already developed into a hellion, you get to grow them into one from a small bundle of love, which only wants Mommy to begin with. Yup. It's truly different when it's your own.... sigh...... Ah, those early years are gone for good for me...... 6:( Miss my little ones. These teenagers are just something else. But they are sweet too, even though so much hassle and trouble. Just tell her someday she will look back and wonder how she could have lived without this one. Yup.

God's blessings on the litte wee soon-to-be-bairn, and his/her mommy and grandmommy too!!

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Well, in all the stuff that I read on this mess that Jen is going through it says that 99% of the babies are girls....so Mary Beth....Its pink according to the internet doctors. :P

My daughter was to be a boy as well. They didn't do ultrasounds when Amy was born, but they did a X-ray three weeks before she was born to make sure she was in the right postion and ready to go...they counted her ribs and she has a guys rib cage.....was a mess when she carried her own children.

I'll think pink as well....couldn't have more fun than I do with my own three GD's

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I'm glad Bonnie did the research, I've heard the same thing, it's ususally a girl, so I'm thinking pink and betting pink! After going through a similar thing mine was a girl! I was sooo relieved, too, there were no boys in my family so I had no clue about what to do there but I had the girl thing down pat! My baby girl will be 34 this year!

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I didn't think I"d know either, but my little sweety pie DS just loved me to pieces, and so I loved him too. Everything worked out great, because he's a sensitive little thing, until this year, when all h-e-double-hockey-stick blew up in our faces with this terrible disorder he's got somehow. But we are dealing with it with three (dumped the naturo) medical professionals, so should get the kinks out soon. Good thing we have Somebody Bigger than you and I to trust with this, and I think I'd never have wanted to be a mom without Him! Boys can be sweet, but then they can be perfect hellyons when they get to puberty, so it's a good thing I have more than my bird brain to grow this one! :D

I guess I was just thinking of the morning sickness thing, and the heartbeat, and the way I was carrying him. I didn't have extreme physical discomfort like Jen, so don't know about that. I do know my DD was the easiest thing, except I stood too long stenciling lambies on her wall in the 9th month and got swollen ankles. Yup. Other than that, she was a very easy delivery. Not so DS!!

Well, I just pray Jen will be all fine until delivery, which I pray will be term. Blessings!

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